We went with a Honeywell 20 KW standby unit that runs on propane, 2 years ago. Propane isn’t the cheapest fuel option, but for us it was the Best overall option.
Our PGE (Portland General Electric) took note of Californicated’s PG&E’s experience with the Paradise Fire, and “De-energized” us 3 years ago for over a week, for fire safety reasons, the following winter, we were without power for 5 days
When they shut us off, I was working away from home, and the Wife was with me that trip, so there was no one home to set up the 4 KW portable generator. We lost 2 refrigerator/freezer a 2 large upright freezers of food. When the power was restored, the surge fried our dishwasher, 2 microwaves and some smaller appliances, we estimated the total losses at over $4,500. Thaf was when we decided to get the standby generator
We did pretty well price wise on our setup, Costco had the 20 KW Honeywell, with the automatic transfer switch for $4,200, the contractor we use a lot, installed everything on a “work in basis” between jobs, and charged us $3,800, which we have heard is well below the standard charge around here
We are using the 120 gallon/420# tanks, because of the siting requirements of larger tanks. Here the 120 gallon tanks can be placed next to the house, you still have to be, IIRC, 10’ from any opening doors, windows, foundation vents or “ignition sources “ such as your electrical meter, and the generator itself.
By the time that I got serious about getting the tanks, they had gone from $800 each to over $1,500 locally, and that was if you could even find them.
With some online searching, I found that Menard’s still had them for $800. The problem was, Menard’s closest stores are in Casper, and Cheyenne WY. We live about 45 miles East of the Cesspool known as Portland. We decided to make a vacation road trip out of it, and ordered 8 tanks. It took several months for Menard’s to get the tanks, and in July, we were off on an adventure to get them
We originally planned on keeping two tanks, and the first 3 extra tanks sold pretty quickly, the next two tanks took about a month to sell. I started thinking about it some more, and decided to keep a third tank, at half load, our generator burns about 2 gallons an hour, so two tanks would give us about 4 days run time. I am often away from home for work 5 days at a time, so I decided to keep the third tank.
After having Covid two years ago, my Wife’s lungs still haven’t recovered, at this point we’re not sure they ever will

, and she is dependent on an oxygen concentrator, so now, the generator isn’t just a Luxury, and that third tank should give enough run time for me to get home regardless of when the power goes out. Our setup is completely automatic, so we don’t have to worry about the Wife waking up in the middle of the night to start the generator, if she is sleeping, she may not even realize that the power went out at all. That is a HUGE load off my back.
We were able to sell the five extra tanks for $1,500 each, delivered, which only 3 customers had us deliver them, the other two came out to pick them up. After calculating our fuel, and an oil change, we came out a bit ahead, and weren’t out any out of pocket expenses for the three tanks that we kept. We had a couple calls on the last tank, after I decided to keep it, even though we had dropped our online ads, but I decided that the Peace of Mind that it provided, was worth way more than the $1,500 I would have gotten selling it
In the end, our setup cost us right at $8,000, which was about half of the price of people we talked to that just called a contractor, and had them do a write a check, sign the papers installation, which was running $14-16,000. And we had a Fun road trip to Cheyenne, the scenic route through Moab UT, with a 3 day stop there
There are a lot of different options, it is a matter of deciding where the balance point is for you, based on Price, Performance (how much power you need) and Convenience
We have been Very Happy with our setup, the Honeywell uses Generac components, and has so far been very reliable