Heck just toss one in the truck....that is what we would do here but this is hillbilly, redneck countryWe have 3 of the 420#/120 gallon tanks, that have a nominal usable capacity of 100 gallons each, but those aren’t transportable. I do have two 100#/25 gallon cylinders that I can transport to refill if needed, and several 30#, and a 20# tank that I can use in a real pinch.
We are in the middle of a major kitchen remodel, and the Wife is Excited About her new 6 burner range, so we do have gas in the house now, and our contractor is installing a gas connection for the BBQ, unfortunately, our water heater died about a year before we had the propane tanks, so we had to replace it with another electric unit, any future water heaters would be propane
Out here we have an abundance of old NH3 tanks so you can get real portable. I have pulled two in tandem empty at 60MPH........not advisable