Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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Here was todays “scrounge”.

Couple years ago when we ran power to the cabin they had to clean some trees and left them all laying in piles. My guess is there is 3 cords total. They must have had some ******* out there because it’s just a mess. Logs chopped down with axes, cut 3/4 of the way in 14 spots, just stupid stuff.

Anyway. I decided to cut some of that up today since we needed more wood up by the door and I’m trying to save the last of the good wood for when it actually gets cold since I didn’t get to go get more wood this winter.

3 above when I woke up and fired up the coffee pot. It was a struggle to get stuff running. Plugged the truck in and went and took the recoil cover off the log splitter so I could turn it over with a drill and get it fired up. Battery on the fourwheeler died before it fired so had to put the charger on it and then it still didn’t want to go. Ended up pull starting it. Grabbed my franken 365 and it didnt want to start and then the recoil jammed up. Threw it back in the shed and grabbed my Holzfforma 372xp. Fired right up and got to work.

Cut some and split it. Loaded up the truck and took it up to stack on the deck. Sure looked like a lot more on the truck lol. I had already unloaded that back corner by the time I decided to take the pic.


G'day fellers,

Nothing too exciting today but I did run a saw. Did some more work on limbing the big candlebark and piling up all the junk. Made a new pile.


Took home some bonfire material. Getting closer to the big stuff in this tree but not quite there yet.



Scrounge on :rock:
Here was todays “scrounge”.

Couple years ago when we ran power to the cabin they had to clean some trees and left them all laying in piles. My guess is there is 3 cords total. They must have had some ******* out there because it’s just a mess. Logs chopped down with axes, cut 3/4 of the way in 14 spots, just stupid stuff.

Anyway. I decided to cut some of that up today since we needed more wood up by the door and I’m trying to save the last of the good wood for when it actually gets cold since I didn’t get to go get more wood this winter.

3 above when I woke up and fired up the coffee pot. It was a struggle to get stuff running. Plugged the truck in and went and took the recoil cover off the log splitter so I could turn it over with a drill and get it fired up. Battery on the fourwheeler died before it fired so had to put the charger on it and then it still didn’t want to go. Ended up pull starting it. Grabbed my franken 365 and it didnt want to start and then the recoil jammed up. Threw it back in the shed and grabbed my Holzfforma 372xp. Fired right up and got to work.

Cut some and split it. Loaded up the truck and took it up to stack on the deck. Sure looked like a lot more on the truck lol. I had already unloaded that back corner by the time I decided to take the pic.

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Recent scrounge.. Answered an ad for free wood. First trip I took a Subaru with a 5 by 8 trailer. When I found out what he had I said "I'll be back".. He loaded it with a grapple while I cut the root balls and bucked a bit. He is clearing a lot.. Probably do it again, if it ever stops raining


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Recent scrounge.. Answered an ad for free wood. First trip I took a Subaru with a 5 by 8 trailer. When I found out what he had I said "I'll be back".. He loaded it with a grapple while I cut the root balls and bucked a bit. He is clearing a lot.. Probably do it again, if it ever stops raining
By the looks of it you win "scrounge of the day" honors. :drinkingcoffee:
Recent scrounge.. Answered an ad for free wood. First trip I took a Subaru with a 5 by 8 trailer. When I found out what he had I said "I'll be back".. He loaded it with a grapple while I cut the root balls and bucked a bit. He is clearing a lot.. Probably do it again, if it ever stops raining
Nice "haul".
Don't dent them side boxes, or the boss is gonna be pissed lol.
Hi guys. Yesterday I took my son and a friend of ours into the boundary waters canoe area. It was 28° at the boat landing and a quarter mile later we were in pea soup fog for the next couple of hours. Turned out to be a great day with mild wind. We ended up spending a lot more time exploring than we had planned so the last hour of paddling was in the dark, but a very fun day.

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Awesome pics my friend!
Had a heavy thunderstorm at the show on Friday but Saturday was spectacular 70s and sunny . The official count is up to 1448 but that could go up . No way to see all the trucks . I walked around and left Fred to keep the truck shined up IMG_7244.jpegdidn’t take many pictures
Edit: The official count is now at 1704 GM trucks at the show
HV cherry logs :omg: Need to establish an idea of value.
Cut these out of my woods seemed too good to buck into firewood anyone want to put a reasonable value on em?
will just FB can load in someone's truck so an easy in out.
Both a bit over 9' long, a solid 14" diameter.
A live windfall tree, went over rootball and all, don't see any cracks.
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You won't hurt my feelings, no one wants them, they're firewood.

Posted on FB got a couple low ball offers. But a guy came with 14' dump trailer, paid my $200 asking. He's got 200 acres with woods and a mill but needed cherry to create a new entry door for his daughter.
He's happy, I'm happy, I think a charity will be happy too.
Buds coming today, going to be dropping dead ash for firewood.
Said screw it and rented a man loft for the day. Got all the hat channel/gerts in place. Not it's ready for the front and back wall then tin. Although I'm really only worried about getting the roof done for winter. Kinda, sorta. Work in progress lol.
Found a steel man door for free. I'll be going for that after work tomorrow. The guy said, it's heavy as heck, bring help. The frame comes with it. Has the push button lock on it, but the guy can't remember the combination. That should be quite the adventure to figure out lol.
Switching back to splitting wood for the time being. Been getting into the 40*s over night and that's just a bit too cold in the house in the morning to be comfortable.


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Said screw it and rented a man loft for the day. Got all the hat channel/gerts in place. Not it's ready for the front and back wall then tin. Although I'm really only worried about getting the roof done for winter. Kinda, sorta. Work in progress lol.
Found a steel man door for free. I'll be going for that after work tomorrow. The guy said, it's heavy as heck, bring help. The frame comes with it. Has the push button lock on it, but the guy can't remember the combination. That should be quite the adventure to figure out lol.
Switching back to splitting wood for the time being. Been getting into the 40*s over night and that's just a bit too cold in the house in the morning to be comfortable.
Where's the loft?
Recent scrounge.. Answered an ad for free wood. First trip I took a Subaru with a 5 by 8 trailer. When I found out what he had I said "I'll be back".. He loaded it with a grapple while I cut the root balls and bucked a bit. He is clearing a lot.. Probably do it again, if it ever stops raining
Hell Yeah!! I left the flatbed world 6 months ago and I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss it just a little bit! I did drive the old day cab Kenworth we haul boats with a few trips last week, but they were only 5 mile round trips.
OK, Ok, I know you guys like pictures!

First problem with today's milling ... removing the white oak log from between the two gigantic sugar maple logs. Keep in mind, I don't have any tractors or skid steers or any of those other nifty devices that a lot of you guys (who cheat) have! There is just not enough room to mill it there!

So, I came up with a plan, and luckily, just as I needed a second set of hands, my wife came by to harass (I mean check on) me, and I made her slide the tow strap as I lifted the log with my 6' metal bar. Then I hooked that tow strap to another one and hooked that to the ring on the front of my truck. Put it in reverse (4WD low range) and the log came up and over!

Let the milling begin!


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I milled 6 pieces from yesterday's log, and 6 more from today's log, and I can still mill one more if I need it.

I'll have to process what I have and see how it works out.

Unfortunately, yesterday's log had a crack in the middle that I did not see, and neither log was real straight, so I will have to be creative!


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So, my daughter calls me a little bit ago, and I ask her "are you calling to let me know you are going to make some game appear on the camera today", and she replies, there is a bear.

I said "No there is not, I just checked". She said "Check again, it just showed up". And with less than 5 minutes of legal shooting time left!

@The Shooters Apprentice husky recoils jam with too small diameter rope…and eventually blow up. Could be it.

Bark soft enough to use for a blanket IMG_3815.jpeg

Got interlocking grain ?aussie cyclone splitter works really well
EXL turned into Xcut kinda with 5/32” and dulled in Euc. Picked up speed and lost durability of course IMG_3821.jpeg


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I was notified of the need for an emergency tree removal on the rail trail late last evening. I went out this morning to take care of it. Upon arrival I assessed the situation. Then I contacted the land trust management and advised them that there were actually two separate trees and that it was a NYS DEC law enforcement matter. We decided to leave those trees as they were until the on-site investigation was conducted. We already know who the responsible parties are... the DEC has had them under active surveillance and this just adds to the case.

Anyhow, since I was out and all geared up I took down some standing dead ash, removed some leaners and hung up branches with the pole saw, and cut up part of a large red oak. The oak, about 24"-26" in the trunk section I cut, came down in the bad ice storm a couple winters ago and we punched a hole through it so the trail was open but I hadn't cleaned it up yet (demands on my time kept me from it). The hard and sizeable oak gave me a legitimate reason to use my 661! After I remove the cut up pieces of oak I'll cut up some more--the hillside leads to a congested mess if I cut too much without removing it. Fortunately all of what I cut is laying at the edge of the rail trail so recovering it will be easy. Following are photos of some of the wood:
