Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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I hope it is for screwing things in.🤣 be honest the poor flat blade and Phillips screwdrivers aren't much use on modern cars. Trust me they still get used!
Snap-on dealer- How'd you break that #3 Phillips?
Me - Obviously I was turning a screw in by hand.:innocent:
Snap-on dealer - Sounds good, here's new blade. Just don't break the handle!
Which is the very few, those you'd lend to, or those who'd bring something back in like or better condition.
I always try to show my appreciation when someone loans me something, it means a lot that they've trusted me with their property, too bad so many have no understanding of what that means, entitled folks ruin it for every :buttkick:.

My boy spent nearly 2 hrs pressure washing it. After seeing it finished, I thought maybe he wanted it left as it was, now it's all shiny and will stand out when it's sitting in the woods, before it was more camouflaged lol.
I must've misread your post. I thought you were renting the lift. That's a really nice machine to have around the property. Looks good!
Oh, forgot to say. I had my wife make some fresh bread for the neighbor and the guy he borrowed the lift from/that let me borrow it, that I never met before :happy:. @H-Ranch does that make him my new best neighbor or me his best neighbor :laugh:.
Sounds like you have a pretty big new best friends group started over there. May I nominate my SIL/BIL for membership? Because I don't believe that I'm in their group. :laugh:
Which is the very few, those you'd lend to, or those who'd bring something back in like or better condition.
I always try to show my appreciation when someone loans me something, it means a lot that they've trusted me with their property, too bad so many have no understanding of what that means, entitled folks ruin it for every :buttkick:.

My boy spent nearly 2 hrs pressure washing it. After seeing it finished, I thought maybe he wanted it left as it was, now it's all shiny and will stand out when it's sitting in the woods, before it was more camouflaged lol.
Yes, the lift qualifies for the "very few I'd lend to." Even as a kid, my pops would oend out darn near anything. Saws, tractors, his truck. Can't even say how many times he got burned doing that. Did the same thing with some of my stuff and got burned. F-that. There's currently about 5-6 people that I'd loan anything I own to. Few more that I'd loan non engine related equipment to, and that list recently got shorter. Loaned my delta table top planer to a "friend". Brand new blades in it. I went to pick it up since he seemed to have an issue remembering to bring it back to my place. First time I used it I realized he chipped a blade. Said something to him and got an "oh yeah, I just sanded down that spot by hand. It's not a big deal." Last time he borrowed anything from me. Blades arnt expensive, but it's just the principal. I would have bought a new set, and installed them if I boned something like that. The jerk didn't even blow it off. Same guy I helped build his shop and hasn't offered a single time to give me a hand with mine.
Some people just don't get it. Really pizz's me off. be honest the poor flat blade and Phillips screwdrivers aren't much use on modern cars. Trust me they still get used!
Snap-on dealer- How'd you break that #3 Phillips?
Me - Obviously I was turning a screw in by hand.:innocent:
Snap-on dealer - Sounds good, here's new blade. Just don't break the handle!

I must've misread your post. I thought you were renting the lift. That's a really nice machine to have around the property. Looks good!
That's another peeve of mine, I don't use my good snap-on screwdrivers for prybars. Although I doubt my current dealer would say a word about it. I have a set of junker popular mechanic screw drivers for prybar/ alignment uses.
One time I borrowed a buddies truck, mower and weed whip, the exhaust fell off on the way to my place, the mower broke, did the whole place with the weed whip as I had to get it done. The good thing is I was the assistant manager at muffler/brake shop so fixing the exhaust was an easy deal, and the mower just needed a part I couldn't get on Sunday.

I hear you, loud and clear.
The way I look at it is, God's put me in charge of the things I have, and it's up to me to do a great job with them.
One time the minister of our church needed to get some tree work done, I told him he could borrow a saw, he said really, I said no way 😆. I couldn't even stand to ride in a car with him, he certainly has no idea how to run a saw let alone maintain one, but he sure was good with people. I took care of the trees for him along with most the other outdoor projects at his house, couldn't have him hurting himself or any unsuspecting equipment ;).

Speaking of equipment, lift update. Just need the electric hooked up and I can fill the reservoir and bleed it, that sure will be nice. Everyone is gonna want to borrow it, I'm not letting anyone take it home though 😅.
I really need to get my hand tools all sorted and a lot of new stuff, been working out of a smaller Craftsman box in the back of my suburban/ excursion for way to long, they're a mess. I have another box I can bring up from the basement from when I was wrenching (nothing special, just bigger), it will be nice to get that all loaded up with another set of tools.
Shoot, I need to get some updated shop pics up for you. Congrats on the lift install. Big deal not having to work on your back, on the floor working on stuff. I hear the working out of little tool boxes thing too. So glad to have my big box out in the shop and not have to run back to the house every 10 seconds.
That's another peeve of mine, I don't use my good snap-on screwdrivers for prybars. Although I doubt my current dealer would say a word about it. I have a set of junker popular mechanic screw drivers for prybar/ alignment uses.
I used to care about it more when we had to use screwdrivers for removing screws. I think my handles are all at least 15 years old. I usually don't break the phillips, they get repaired when they start jumping over. That being said I do have all the proper pry bars, alignment bars and flange splitting tools. Sometimes the job requires the wrong tool to get the job done though and I have no qualms about beating up any tool if I have to.
Thread re-railed.

I should have taken a pic before I started on this pile, this was as I started my second load. The owner has been trying to get rid of it for a couple of years. This is the third pile I've moved. I got most of it moved to my place, about a third of it cut into blocks. I estimate I've hauled about 10 cords. We use about 2 1/2 a year, heat pump, well insulated newer home. I also have probably 3 more cords I had already cut, and another pile on the same place.

Sure is nice to use the mini-exc to load my trailer, and have the tractor at home to unload!

20240925 woodpile.jpg
I used to care about it more when we had to use screwdrivers for removing screws. I think my handles are all at least 15 years old. I usually don't break the phillips, they get repaired when they start jumping over. That being said I do have all the proper pry bars, alignment bars and flange splitting tools. Sometimes the job requires the wrong tool to get the job done though and I have no qualms about beating up any tool if I have to.
I don't have an issue using a screwdriver for a pry bar, just not my good ones. Still deal with enough screws that I like to keep a good set around. be honest the poor flat blade and Phillips screwdrivers aren't much use on modern cars. Trust me they still get used!
Snap-on dealer- How'd you break that #3 Phillips?
Me - Obviously I was turning a screw in by hand.:innocent:
Snap-on dealer - Sounds good, here's a new blade. Just don't break the handle!

That's another peeve of mine, I don't use my good snap-on screwdrivers for prybars. Although I doubt my current dealer would say a word about it. I have a set of junker popular mechanic screw drivers for prybar/ alignment uses.

I used to care about it more when we had to use screwdrivers for removing screws. I think my handles are all at least 15 years old. I usually don't break the phillips, they get repaired when they start jumping over. That being said I do have all the proper pry bars, alignment bars and flange splitting tools. Sometimes the job requires the wrong tool to get the job done though and I have no qualms about beating up any tool if I have to.
Last set of screwdrivers I bought were Williams. They are the old hard handle style Snap-on, available only with black handles, but at a much friendlier price point.
All Snap-on screwdrivers say "Not to be used as a pry bar, chisel or punch." on the handle. Guess what mine are mostly used as? :cool:
I have a couple Klein demolition screw drivers for those occasions…. Designed and marketed for such tasks. They work great as screwdrivers too!1727813255998.png

Sounds like you have a pretty big new best friends group started over there. May I nominate my SIL/BIL for membership? Because I don't believe that I'm in their group. :laugh:
I was abusing a large Craftsman screwdriver as a prybar and broke the tip a bit short. So I cut it down a bit and now it stays in my chainsaw work bag.

The fatter tip fits nicely into the 660 fuel and oil caps w/o much play and marks them less when removing and re-installing the caps.
I have a couple customized screwdrivers, one specifically for doing carbs on the little honda eu2000i generators. They need a thin tip, and it has to be strong, so I just ground and filed on one till it fit exactly.
Today I used a nice one with a broken tip to start the mower, seems the key must be laying in the yard somewhere. I don't have an issue using a screwdriver for a pry bar, just not my good ones. Still deal with enough screws that I like to keep a good set around.
You must really torque those flippy caps down Mike lol.
Noticed my ms201 rear handle leaked a crapload of bar oil on the shelf in the back of the excursion. While it's not a big deal because it's just a junk piece of plywood, it's a bummer because you have to tip it up to get into my toolbox top, which I had to do last night. I think I am going to grind the little "chip catcher" off that saw, it's the one I have the most problems with keeping clean, that being said, it gets used a lot.
Shoot, I need to get some updated shop pics up for you. Congrats on the lift install. Big deal not having to work on your back, on the floor working on stuff. I hear the working out of little tool boxes thing too. So glad to have my big box out in the shop and not have to run back to the house every 10 seconds.
Cool, love to see then, I'm just as excited for you. Not only have I been working on my back, but it's also been out in the weather since the last time I had a garage back in 95. It's hard to do when your under rusty vehicles getting crap in your eyes and out in the cold and the rain, especially after you've worked in a shop with everything you needed.
I'm actually reorganizing it a bit out there today. Next big projects are my bay doors, and the lights, and the sub-panel near the lift(in no specific order). The sub will provide power to the lift, any welders, and lights/outlets for the far bay. I have plenty of spots in the panel, but I figured it would be nice to have the sub-panel over there; maybe it's overkill, but I'll only have the one big expense for the panel and wire, then it will be cheap to wire anything with 220 over there.
Still not sure where I want to set up my compressor. I could mount it up off the floor to save space.

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