Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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I can help if you need running water in the shop too. :innocent:
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with help like that, I think I'll pass. 🤦🏼‍♂️ the water for the shop has its own pipe, but does share the same ditch with the electrical conduit. Trying my best to keep everything up to code, you know, just in case I need to get inspected for whatever reason.
My personal practices: RE tape… In general, metal boxes yes, plastic boxes no. I use the screw terminals. If there are multiple 3 or 4 way switches I tape regardless of the box material.

Good tools help… I bought Klein screw drivers (including the cross ones for connections), sheathing and wire strippers, and pliers. Those tools made me realize how bad my old ones were! The work is much neater and the connections are tight too…
that's good to hear, just seemed like a good idea to tape going into a metal box.
I hate junk tools. I think my strippers are ideal brand. Much nicer then the cheapo junkers. Screw drivers are all snap-on, so no issues there either.
Those clocks are Shweet!

We had a couple of the bulk oil dispensers like that here at work, I think we sold them for $150 each, 20 years ago.

The Columbian Vise is pretty nice, too. I would bet the Wilton is a lower quality offshore model. I have a couple of Parker vises that came from family members, a heavy one on a pedestal mounted on a Truck brake drum and a lighter one I haven't mounted yet.
Just in case anyone was wondering about the wago connectors I was talking about.
We often (the electricians) have to set temporary runs, and this has been their go to. Actually they have been using them in permanent installations pretty often lately. So far I've been pretty impressed with them, other then the cost. Kinda expensive vs bug nuts.
pffffffffff why go to all of that trouble when you can do this!! Twist and tape baby!

In case you're actually wondering yes this is in my house and yes it is live, no I did not do it. So dude named Albert probably did it in the 50s while smoking an unfiltered Camel. I am currently getting all outlets on it rewired, hopefully will be able to turn it off tonight.

Those clocks are Shweet!

We had a couple of the bulk oil dispensers like that here at work, I think we sold them for $150 each, 20 years ago.

The Columbian Vise is pretty nice, too. I would bet the Wilton is a lower quality offshore model. I have a couple of Parker vises that came from family members, a heavy one on a pedestal mounted on a Truck brake drum and a lighter one I haven't mounted yet.
I believe it’s an American made Wilton . It’s in the rust bath right now
If anyone had that here it'd be at least $50 each. Family members don't even give anything to each other.🤣
That's what I paid my wife's Uncle's estate for the big one I had. It was marked $200, still there the last day of the sale. I don't think the money went to the estate, I believe the now ex-cousin in law pocketed it.

The other was my MIL's estate, I did just haul that one home. I did also make several delivery trips on my dime, the BIL doesn't have a full size truck. We made 6 months insurance and utility bills at that sale.
You're kidding? Those vises alone are $$. And that metal brake.... something I could use.
I’ll be getting more stuff in the future. Sad story my wife’s friend husband went for a knee replacement . Seams it went terribly wrong he died on the table due to lack of oxygen. He was resuscitated but suffered permanent brain damage . He had a very good business at his home doing small equipment repairs he is retired military.

My wife has been helping her as I have with selling off the equipment. But now we’re getting into the inside shop where he worked in winter . It’s packed with stuff and she’s getting pretty run down trying to settle everything. So I’ve been helping her get stuff to the dump with my dump trailer . 5 trips so far and it’s still a huge mess . We have someone coming to buy all his tool boxes and tools all snap on and Matco .

She’s still waiting on the lawsuit and things are a little tight . So the money will help .
pffffffffff why go to all of that trouble when you can do this!! Twist and tape baby!

In case you're actually wondering yes this is in my house and yes it is live, no I did not do it. So dude named Albert probably did it in the 50s while smoking an unfiltered Camel. I am currently getting all outlets on it rewired, hopefully will be able to turn it off tonight.

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Sister bought an older house and all the wiring was the old paper covered stuff. It might have been OK, but up in the attic, there were two junction boxes with 3 - 5 circuits twist and taped in each one. Dad and I rewired the whole house.

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