I'll start by saying that I don't have the saw in the shop yet. What the customer (ASE certified mechanic) has told me about his saw and what he has done trying to fix it and what he hasn't done. Mostly all that I would have done. IE: Compression, spark, pressure test, impulse tube, carb boot, carb rebuilt, metering diaphragm adjusted correctly, removed welch plug/s and cleaned carb with an ultrasonic cleaner etc.
When the saw arrives I will check compression, remove the muffler and check the cylinder and piston for scoring, will remove the flywheel and check the key for possible shear, check the carb to make sure the right metering diaphragm was used, meter the coil, check the coil ground circuit, check spark arrest screen, check carb mounting throat for cracks, etc. Personally, I hate following someone else's work but he is a friend so here we go. He is a fantastic auto and truck mechanic but I'm not quite sure about his ability with chainsaws. If anyone out there sees something I have missed, please chime in. I will post what, if anything, I find and if I can get it up and running. Thanks,
When the saw arrives I will check compression, remove the muffler and check the cylinder and piston for scoring, will remove the flywheel and check the key for possible shear, check the carb to make sure the right metering diaphragm was used, meter the coil, check the coil ground circuit, check spark arrest screen, check carb mounting throat for cracks, etc. Personally, I hate following someone else's work but he is a friend so here we go. He is a fantastic auto and truck mechanic but I'm not quite sure about his ability with chainsaws. If anyone out there sees something I have missed, please chime in. I will post what, if anything, I find and if I can get it up and running. Thanks,