It is part of the fire fighter training up here to tie a bowline in total darkness with heavy gloves on, I passed the test, but it took some practice. I doubt such a situation will ever come, and if it did I would be more likely to tie an eight or overhand knot.
What is the application for the bowline? If it is for rigging stuff for raising or lowering would you not just use hitches like; clove, rolling, tautline, or tarbuck hitchs (granted in their proper application with keeper knots as required)?
If it is for critical or live loads, why not tie a double figure eight, it is a stronger knot by roughly 10%, it can be untied even after extreme loading, and more over for people with visual memory dificulty it is a visualy gratifying knot. That is unlike the bowline you can tell at a glance if it is tied right.
I am sure by asking this quetion, I risk being grouped in with those
who get bored with the bowline and start using timber hitches or some goofy knot that takes three times as long to untie a lowered limb?
But it is a risk I can live with.
I won 20$ once from an ex boss when I bet my double figure eight againts his bowline, we tied a figure eight on one end of a light rope, and bowline on the other. Then attached each end to an identical locking gate and pulled on it with a fork lift until the bowline broke, it took a bit of working but the figure eight could still be untied after.
And no, he is not my ex boss, because I won the bet.