i like "Brush Pilot", my other terms are "Ground Control'' or "Pit Crew", to answer one of Tom's questions.
i think that sending the rabbit the wrong way around the tree places the tail outside the bowline eye. If we are talking about the same thing; my understanding is that strength isn't affected but security. i was taught (and have read); that on shipping docks, when using the bowline; if the end (or toggle) rubs briskly against something, it can invert the knot, and the load falls, many times killing workers below. So the toggle/end is safer exiting the knot inside the loop where it is protected from this danger.
i make the bowline with the slipknot method; using that method, it is a lot easier to see how the knot could invert and release. It has also been called the climber's method of making a bowline; faavoured at one time for rescuing people off the sides of shear cliffs by lowering a line.
In the regular way to make a bowline, the rabbit goes up the hole, around the tree, then back down the hole to home. In a slip knot method, you make your half hitch (hole) and pull the tree (bight from standing end jus on other side of 'hole') down the hole and the rabbit crosses behind the tree, then the tree is pulled back up the hole. Either way is good.
i favour the slip knot method because i make a double ring/round turn/double bolwine, and find the 2 rings easier to handle and set with this method. i believe that 2nd ring has been shown to be as strong as an '8'; easier to tie, easier to untie and takes less line to make and less 'bulk' at connection.
With the yosemite tie off, the security is raised even more, the loose end isn't cluttering the inside of the temporary eye that is made with the bowline. This also (IMLHO); makes the knot more symetrical; easier to spot check in my mind. i take the hint of that utility value (easy id) from a reason mountain/rescue have stuck with the 8; is it is easeir to 'buddy check' being a clean/symetrical, easy to check shape. This double bowline with Yosebite tie off, i beleive is the superior form of the bowline for strength, security, ease of tie/untie. This too, can be tied behind the back. It also has a nice stop of spot,thaqt you can put the knot on 'hold' halfway through making it (right before performing the loop that makes the eye); addding extra utility to ease of making it.
Fer those that are unsure, i'd extend JP's just make a list of half hitches, to an olde, secure standard a round turn and 2 half hitches? The strength would depend on what you were hitching to, any uneasiness about security; tuck the end after the half hitches, under the first wrap that takes load. In this way the position that is free-est with no pressure on it; gets locked into having the mainline pressure on it; so the load stands on it's own 'bootstrap'; and is so likewise locked into that un beatable cycle of the most pressure of line locking down on most secured point (needing least pressure, yet getting max).