Originally posted by RockyJSquirrel
geez, get off yer high horse about 'respect'. On the jobsite respect is earned, not mandated by PC speech. You guys are frigging incredible.
We think so alike it is scary.
There is a difference between the guy who keeps your line clear, lowers big pieces of wood without shaking or flinging you, unties the line and sends it back up for the next chunk to be lowered and a brush pilot.
I have one guy who is the first of those 2 - we don't speak the same language, but we are on the same page. I am good at what I do but he puts the shine on the whole operation. I'm on the stage, but it is the guy behind the scenes that makes the magic happen. - I call that guy my right hand man on the jobsite.
Other idiot brush pilots that can't grasp the basics of common sense don't deserve the term groundie. I'm thinking 3-4 letter words.
One idiot kept walking into my DZ on a pruning job causing me to pace my cuts on his actions. That lasted a while until I viewed him as a target and not an obstacle.
I respect those that deserve it on the job site. You have to here with the hispanic crews, they have a pecking order that is established fast. There is no automatic respect for the boss and they can be absolutely cruel to subordinates. I work with a small group and we know eachother's limits when it comes to respect - some guys don't care what you call them as long as you pay them, others see it as a threat to their manhood if you call them ground boy. (guess who gets called ground boy)
The guys I work with have limited if any english skills so learning knots is by example.
I have found the trick to teaching help knots is finding help that gives a chit about learning anything.