How to resize your pictures

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JohN Dee

ArboristSite Operative
May 21, 2006
Reaction score
Australia, Sydney
How to Resize your Images

Alrighty well I started this thread because alot of picture posters out there put on HUGE Pics which is a pain for the most of us to load so in this thread it will teach you how to make them a nice size.

First of all we need to open paint, so goto: Start > All Programs > Accessories > Paint

Now that we have paint open, it's time to open your picture file you wanna resize.

So now you should have your picture open so we'll get onto the resizing.

Now you have 1 of two options;

The first is to use the Stretch/Skew option which you'll find In:

Paint > Image > Stretch/Skew.

By default it open on 100% which is the current size of your picture. To reduce the size you need to go below 100%. As you can see below i've decided to go with 50%. Fiddle around with the percentages until you get the reduction you want. Note: Height & Width need to have the same percentage or you'll distort the image.


That concludes the first option on how to resize your pics.

Now the second option is for those abit more experienced with paint.

Once again open your picture you want to resize. Now select the Select Tool

Once you've selected the Select Tool Drag it completely over your image

Now find the little dot in the bottom right hand corner and click it and drag your image to the size you want it.

Now once you do that you'll notice you have alot of white stuff left over just simply find the little blue dot and click and drag like you did to resize your pic

Here it is resized

Also don't forget to save it as a PNG Portable Network Graphic, This is the most smallest file size without losing any quality, alternatively if you are running Win 9X save it as a JPEG

Alternatively there is software out there that will do this for you but you have to pay for it, if not fiddle n fuss around with warez getting a copy.

I hope you all learned something from this, any feedback is appreciated.
Good luck with your resizing!​
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Yar well I use Photoshop CS2 9.1 - The thread is about using the tools your computer already has there on offer for the simple computer user.
Mike Maas said:
Hey JohN Dee, I don't know if you're aware, but you stretched the hell out of the page with you're, "how not to stretch the hell out of the page" thread. :laugh:
PM me and I'll teach you how to fix it by resizing the images and using the edit feature.

Mike Maas said:
Hey JohN Dee, I don't know if you're aware, but you stretched the hell out of the page with you're, "how not to stretch the hell out of the page" thread. :laugh:
PM me and I'll teach you how to fix it by resizing the images and using the edit feature.

Lol, yeah I originally made it just before going to bed at 11. I saw it, but was to cbf at the time to edit it. Its been edited now though :p
Open the picture you want on your computer. Usually found at
(( MyDocuments/MyPictures.....)) Choose the picture you want to resize and right click it. It will open a comand window. Click on open with paint. Once paint opens and shows your selected picture, hit (( control and w )) at the same time... It will open the stretch and skew window... Type 75%, hit the TAB key(( wich will move the selected field to the next input. Type 75% and hit the Enter key. Next go to the FILE option on the top of your tool bar and click it. Go to the Save or Save as option. The save as option will keep both copies as long as you add at least one character in the file location. Make sure you save the picture as a Png file.... *.Png.... As stated this takes the least amount of space.

I save a copy of all my pictures between 25% and 50%. This size saved as a Png file seems to work the best for web posting.

Doing this will get the same results as stated by :bowdown: JohN Dee... I was just trying to simplify his instructions... No offense John..:cheers: