Buying from Dealer vs local stores (like hope depot)

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I a planning to buy cs310 from Home Depot. Then read quite few blogs suggeting to buy from dealers & not from such stores.

Can somebody please list, whats the advantage of buying from Dealer vs store like Home Depot?


1. Keeping small companies in business
2. Service after the sale
3. Getting questions answered
4. Warranty work without hassles
5. better more direct customer care (in most cases)
6. Parts availability
Welcome to AS!

First off....welcome to AS! Gave you some new guy rep!

Are you the kind of guy that does all of his own work?

If you have warranty work, who's going to take care of you?

Who's going to set up the saw from the box?

Are you considering buying from HD because of the price? If so, what is the difference?

I'm sure others will pipe in with other things to consider.


Not having to deal with some pimple faced snot that could care less about saws! or your purchase!

Oh by the way, Welcome to AS, and ask as many questions as you have, the more you learn about chainsaws before you make a purchase will only make your purchase more enjoyable!

HomeDepot won't stock any parts for future repairs(no parts!)
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1. Keeping small companies in business
2. Service after the sale
3. Getting questions answered
4. Warranty work without hassles
5. better more direct customer care (in most cases)
6. Parts availability

jburlingham said it right. Home Depot, or any other box store,might be a good place to shop for many things...just not saws.
First off....welcome to AS! Gave you some new guy rep!

Are you the kind of guy that does all of his own work?

If you have warranty work, who's going to take care of you?

Who's going to set up the saw from the box?

Are you considering buying from HD because of the price? If so, what is the difference?

I'm sure others will pipe in with other things to consider.


But HD will also be ginving 5 year warrenty. Also I was all the time thinking I can just dump fuel ,oil & libricant & the machine is good to go .. what's the dealers are going do extra ? is theew any initial tunning before use?
If you buy at the dealer, you get a hat as part of the deal.:clap:

Seriously, I am so glad I got my saw where I did--a dealer. You can call them up and find out if you need to bring it in, they'll go the extra mile because they understand where you live, and my friend and I like to tease them about their tattoos.

In turn, they get a kick out of the Barbie Saw. :)
But HD will also be ginving 5 year warrenty. Also I was all the time thinking I can just dump fuel ,oil & libricant & the machine is good to go .. what's the dealers are going do extra ? is theew any initial tunning before use?

if the saw has a 5 year warranty the dealer will have the same assuming your comparing identical products. Warranty itself comes from the manufacturer no the dealer.
The dealer in many cases will be happy to tune the saw and make sure it runs right, after all happy customers are repeat customers, and properly tuned saws don't break and need service as often.
Im not downing HD, I'm just trying to point out the difference of a dealer (a good dealer crappy ones do exist).
1. Keeping small companies in business
2. Service after the sale
3. Getting questions answered
4. Warranty work without hassles
5. better more direct customer care (in most cases)
6. Parts availability

I very much agree ..:) considering the fact that the typical approach we have in US is "use & throw". It will be nice if people think of, reusing most of the stuff with little more care, maintenance & professional repairs.. will definitely kp the environment clean, small business flourish & better customer care thru competitions.
HomeDepot will not hlp you out on a warranty issue, they are going to tell you to take it to a servicing dealer, which they are not they only sell no service. period. Better to make friends with the dealer on a purchase, rather than make enemys on a repair. Most dealers get offended when you tell them you bought it somewhere's else, especially a place like Home Depot. If you buy from a dealer they usually step up to bat for you if theres a problem. Most do, but not all.:cheers:

Like someone else pointed out the good shops will set your saw up to run proper, which does'nt always happen right out of the box. Unless your buying crackers.
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if the saw has a 5 year warranty the dealer will have the same assuming your comparing identical products. Warranty itself comes from the manufacturer no the dealer.
The dealer in many cases will be happy to tune the saw and make sure it runs right, after all happy customers are repeat customers, and properly tuned saws don't break and need service as often.
Im not downing HD, I'm just trying to point out the difference of a dealer (a good dealer crappy ones do exist).

Will definitely give dealer a try before heading for HD. Thanks tons.

This is my second instrument (first in echo trimmer) so if you can share the safey instruments I should buy.

Honestly the thing is I will be gifting this saw to my dad (in India). So was also curious if I can buy any additional spare parts along with it & some safety gears.

If your shipping it to India , I dought they have a servicing dealer in that Country But I'm not sure? Can he buy mix oil over there? How about spare chains and bars?:confused:
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Will definitely give dealer a try before heading for HD. Thanks tons.

This is my second instrument (first in echo trimmer) so if you can share the safey instruments I should buy.

Honestly the thing is I will be gifting this saw to my dad (in India). So was also curious if I can buy any additional spare parts along with it & some safety gears.


For safety gear, get some safety glasses, and the best chaps you can afford. I would personally suggest Labonviles. Hearing protection is a good idea.
Here's the deal. I asked the same questions a month ago. It seems that here on this forum everyone wants to support your local dealer. No problem there. I do, too. And the dealer had a better deal for the one I was looking at and I got free stuff, got to hear it run, got a free fill up and supposedly the dealers set them up for you. I guess mine did. It runs fine. And they do the warranty and repair work.

So, if you buy at HD and it stops working or doesn't work right they will probably give you another one if it's a short time. If it's been a while they will have you take it or send it for repair. So, the concensus here that I got is that an authorized dealer may refuse to work on your saw under warranty if you didn't buy from him. I used to have a music store and to me this sounds like grounds for losing your dealership but what do I know? I really find this hard to believe, though, as they get paid for the repair from the company. It's not like you ask them to do it for free.

The thing is, if you can find a local dealer selling what you want you really won't pay more and might pay less. I had to go out of my way to buy what I got but it was worth it and I'll go back and buy more when I need it.
Here's the deal. I asked the same questions a month ago. It seems that here on this forum everyone wants to support your local dealer. No problem there. I do, too. And the dealer had a better deal for the one I was looking at and I got free stuff, got to hear it run, got a free fill up and supposedly the dealers set them up for you. I guess mine did. It runs fine. And they do the warranty and repair work.

So, if you buy at HD and it stops working or doesn't work right they will probably give you another one if it's a short time. If it's been a while they will have you take it or send it for repair. So, the concensus here that I got is that an authorized dealer may refuse to work on your saw under warranty if you didn't buy from him. I used to have a music store and to me this sounds like grounds for losing your dealership but what do I know? I really find this hard to believe, though, as they get paid for the repair from the company. It's not like you ask them to do it for free.

The thing is, if you can find a local dealer selling what you want you really won't pay more and might pay less. I had to go out of my way to buy what I got but it was worth it and I'll go back and buy more when I need it.

I wasn't saying that they wouldn't do it. I was suggesting that when you have an issue arise that is on the fence of covered or not by the factory warranty, the dealer will generally fight for their customer, if it's a product they didn't sell they aren't going to fight as hard for you.
Finding Echo and Husqvarna sertvicing dealers is getting hard to do.

Goomer buys a saw at the box store, and they tell him to take their gripes
to the "Local dealer".

The customer comes in pissed off.

The local dealer/owner is thrilled to see an angey customer from Lowes
or Home Depot, wanting complete warranty work and a blo job.

They may "lose" their "dealership", and they will then say, "HELL YES"

Take it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Couple additional thoughts

Box store selection is limited. Go to the dealer and he'll most likely have a full product line so you can compare a manufacturer's line of homeowner, semi-pro, and pro saw models. He may have a couple of product lines to chose from as well, and I don't mean Homelite and Poulan. You may really be surprised by what's available in your price range. You never know, he may just have a cherry used saw that he took in trade as well.

Second, if there are any financing or other promotions being offered the dealer should know about them and may be able to offer a deal or additional items with the saw that the box store won't or can't.

Service as mentioned is a biggie. Sometimes a saw may just need a quick look see and tweak. If so most dealers will do that and send you on your way. If you didn't buy it there expect to make a return trip to pick it up, warranty or no.

Take Care
If you want a professional grade chain saw, one that last for years and be trouble free,you are not likely to find one at Home Depot.

My opinion is that the "box" stores sell throw away saws.