Tauntline Hitch Appreciation Thread

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TreeHouse Elder
Jul 4, 2003
Reaction score
Bayou Country
Okay, I know I'm not the only climber that uses this simple, effective hitch. I read the threads going on and on about all the 'modern' hitches and all those mechanical gizmos for ascending/descending. Cool. Someday I might switch, but for now the good 'ole TH works for me.

So who else uses this dinosaur knot? :)
I havent even tied a tautline in over 8 years. now that it hink about it Ive forgotten how:D
Once the blakes was introduced I switched over, havent even tied a blakes in near 2 years.
Butch- everyone here is cutting edge, you are probably one of the only people at this site who uses the dinosuar knot

No appreciation from me:p
I don't think that you're (proper usage) going to get a large number (2-33) of people that use the TH. The few times I have used DbRT, I used the Blake's.

Originally posted by RockyJSquirrel

Would I use a tautline hitch again? For tying down a refrigerator in the back of a truck, sure. But it is not even close for climbing.

I have used it and the blake's to tie my kayak to my truck.

For climbing?? :laugh:
I actually do use a version of the TH to down the brush in the trailer sometimes. It makes it easy for the groundy to tighten up the ropes and keep crap from falling off.

I still use a TH very often in climbing, but only in one situation, descending from a coconut tree DRT. I use a Distel for all other climbing. The Distel works just great for me and I am completely satisfied with it.
That the first friction knot I learned. Granted I don't climb everyday but would like to try some other knots. I heard one bad turn on the blake and it turns into a suicide knot so I don't mess with that one. Can't afford all the new gismo's so the TLH is my knot.
I'm not seeing too much appreciation here.

Since I'm the only one that uses this hitch, I feel it is my responsibility to keep using it.

Originally posted by MasterBlaster
I'm not seeing too much appreciation here.
Here's another dinosaur, lumbering out of the Mesozoic. I use TLH exclusively, 3 down 2 up, not out of masochism or stupidity but only because it has never failed me and it's automatic and can be tied with one hand without being able to see it.
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I AM with Rocky....
Next time I go camping I might use the tautline to tighten up the tent lines.... If I find myself without the proper cordage or needing a quick 2nd tie in I'll use the Blake....
If there are others using the tautline on AS they are laying low....

So the question to MB is what's getting in your way??? Why not make the change???...... Everyone of us that made the switch will guarentee that once you try it you'll never go back.... I AM really interested in the thinking of a person that is reluctant to change in the face of all this feedback.... I was stuck for years...... once I realized the upside of new school techniques I couldn't get enough....
So I welcome you in advance to the 21st century...
Originally posted by MasterBlaster
So who else uses this dinosaur knot? :)

The hardcore union line clearance guys are the only ones around here.

The VT is where it's at;)
OK so we've got some other diehard old schoolers here....
They give the following reasons for their continued use of the TL....

1) has never failed me and it's automatic and can be tied with one hand without being able to see it.... GM

2) one bad turn on the blake and it turns into a suicide knot so I don't mess with that one. Can't afford all the new gismo's so the TLH is my knot

3) this simple, effective hitch.... works for me.... MB

In response to Guy's point that the TL is reliable, what he's used to, and can be tied in tough spots.... I can't argue with the reliability of the TL.... The VT can loose it's bite and fail if not tied properly. So it requires some practice, adjustment and awareness.... To me that's still a good trade off for all the benefits it offers.... The increased efficiency of advanced hitches is awesome. You won't really get it until you try it in the tree....
You're used to the TL..... Remember back when you were used to the dial up telephone... You'd probably still be using one if you had never tried or seen the new phones.... Anyone out there still using an electric typewriter.... Not on this site, because you wouldn't be here without a computer and once you try the computer, you won't go back...... EVER....
In response to Guys point about one handed tying behind his back.... I ask... how often do you need to tie it one handed???? How many times a day do you tie it anyway??? The reason you need to tie it one handed is cause the other hand is busy... That WILL NEVER HAPPEN WITH THE ADVANCED HITCHES.... You tie it once and that's it.... The hitch stays on the rope all day.... You can move your tie in point ten times without touching the hitch... Its as easy as unclipping the spliced eye, putting it through the new TIP and reclipping the eye... That can be done in as little as 5-10 seconds...

Our second old schooler thinks the Blake is dangerous and doesn't want to spend the money on the new gear.... To tell you the truth, that's one of the things I love about Big Jon.... he lets me try out his gear for free, so I can see if I like something before I buy it... If you get paid by the hour with no regard to productivity, it might make sense to stay with the TL.... Each job will take a lot longer and you with therefore make more money.... If you followed that theory though, you'd want to cut everything with dull saws and make as many trips to the truck as possible...

And finally MB thinks the TL is simple and effective.... So is walking... it'll get you there eventually everytime... no need to worry about vehicle maintenance or fuel bills... but cars are faster... a lot faster
I use the taughtline to climb with too 2 up 2 down. Never heard of any other knot until i found this site in august now there are so many different knots my head starts to spin. But Asplundh only wants you to use taughtline so that is what I use there. When I do side work I try to use some others. Hopefully in February at the the dnr thing i'll get to check out a split tail and some others . I went and bought a micro scender landyard out of nowhere comes the vt land yard thread should have waited but I guess it happens a little to late. I still like the micro better then the one lenght landyard where you have to go around the tree two or three times to get in position to make a cut or whatever . Still a lot of learnig to do with the help of you guys. Thanks
Originally posted by murphy4trees
How many times a day do you tie it anyway??? The hitch stays on the rope all day.... You can move your tie in point ten times without touching the hitch... Its as easy as unclipping the spliced eye, putting it through the new TIP and reclipping the eye... That can be done in as little as 5-10 seconds...

All Greek to me. I have to use 2 ropes in many trees just to get around, so I'm retying all the time. Sometimes retie or resnap lanyard 8-10 times while ascending. I haven't timed it lately but I'd say the TLH takes 5-10 sec., so where's the benefit?

The new TIP may be 20' away and accessible only by flipping a monkeyfist or pushing it with a polesaw. Is it easier to get a spliced eye thru a TIP? Then where's the benefit?

Thanks for trying to lead this dinosuar to evolve into a bird, but I don't see the benefits.
this is a interesting thread.can anyone direct me to a site that shows a step by step guide to tying some of these advanced hitch's.
Are you saying you can untie your TL, untie from the steel clip and retie to the clip, then tie another TL in 5-10 seconds.... I'd like to see that... And how long does it take to tie and untie a monkey's fist??? Compare that to clipping and unclipping a throwball and mini biner onto the eye in your rope.
It may not "SEEM" like it takes long to tie those old familiar knots 10x/day... And this isn't a race.... Yet all those seconds add up....

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