Information Collector
I got a MS361W last november, but has'n even broken it in yet, as King Winter came about a montht early and cut my season short
. Everything seems fine so far
. It even oils nicely, but that could be due to the fact that I have only ran 15" Rollomatic E, 3/8 RSC (nice chain) .63 gauge. These saws are sold with .63 only in Norway,and the Stihl tech. representative highly recommended .63, mainly out of chip clearing reasons.
Even though I don't need it often, I am going to buy an 18" bar for the saw.
In other treads I have read about oiling issues with this saw and other Stihl's. How does the gauge of bar/chain affect oiling? Should I go for .50 or .63??
I plan on either buying an Oregon Pro-lite locally, or ordering a GB ProTop or Powertech from the USA (no GB representation in Norway). All these options will cost me less than halv of what a Rollomatic E bought in Norway will (about the eqvivalent of 150 US dollars)! What do you suggest??
I might run into troble getting .50 RSC in Norway. Will Oregon LP cut as effectively as the RSC?

Even though I don't need it often, I am going to buy an 18" bar for the saw.
In other treads I have read about oiling issues with this saw and other Stihl's. How does the gauge of bar/chain affect oiling? Should I go for .50 or .63??
I plan on either buying an Oregon Pro-lite locally, or ordering a GB ProTop or Powertech from the USA (no GB representation in Norway). All these options will cost me less than halv of what a Rollomatic E bought in Norway will (about the eqvivalent of 150 US dollars)! What do you suggest??
I might run into troble getting .50 RSC in Norway. Will Oregon LP cut as effectively as the RSC?