044 vs 044 magnum vs ms440 vs m441 vs 046 vs ms460 stihl

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I'm only pointing this out in public, because it was all said in public. WYK corrected someone incorrectly stating how much lighter the 7900 was. You jumped on it and it went down hill from there. You didn't just state that you had evidence to differ, you were emphatic, and even condescending, going as far as to mention names. I don't know why it's such a big deal to you, but I have a good idea. You'll see that reason in red above. Go back and read what you posted, and I think you might see what I'm talking about. My question to you is, why is it so important that the 7900 be so much lighter than the competition. They are what they are. They stand on their own merit. Let it go.

Whats wrong Brad? Tree monkey make a faster saw than you? HAHAHAHAHA Come Thursday big boy..........
BTW, your about a joke Brad. I cant have my opinion without you writing a damn novel? Again, why so important to you what I believe? The 460 is a kick azz saw. Im trying to buy my cousins 046..
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Brad, I could go on and on with you about your bullchit. truth is I DONT CARE.......But come Thursday, theres gonna be an awful lot of people wandering how in the world of all people YOU would say the 460 is lighter than an 046, or atleast say the 460 didnt gain any weight. Its a simple fact thats all........Just seems a little too funny you wouldnt know that a 460 was a tad heavier than an 046. My God, youve done everyhting imagineable under the sun to a Stihl saw LOL.....But indiansprings is right. hel;l i do have better things to do. So....until Thursday......keep it real baby!
Indiansprings, it's kinda like porting saw threads huh? Like it's the only way do go and stock saw's are worthless? Kind of one sided, and biased, where I try to be open minded, and give evreyone a chance in my thread's. When have you ever heard me complain about weight? Im the guy telling the guy crying about running a 660, that it isnt that heavy. For that pound or so there is a world of difference there. Just seems biased here, and I like Brad but you guy's jumped on the, new saw is the shiat, band wagon! Fast. Paul, and I just said prove it. You really telling me there where no significant changes in the long run time eh? Cheked up muffler, flip caps, poly flywheel? Carb I bet money, and at least limiter caps. But i Would bet the carb was cahnged, brand model, or redisigned at some point. Lower end identical? That what I was trying to point out you cant just go from the 046-just before the ms changeover. Go the entire run, and give it a once over. Im surprised the porter's, and improver's did not say much when I spoke about the power difference? The fact that Paul chimned in meant he knew something of what I was talking about. I bet alot of guy's here havent run saw's that long, and just started in the ms series. There is alot of schooling dating back way before that.
altitude versus weight

what altitude are these saws , perhaps the distance from the center of the planet is effecting the gravitational force and giving different weights , also a fair bit of sawdust can hide behind the clutch and if it was from a heavier wood may be the cause of a lot of this angst . sneaky stuff sawdust , might be trees trying to get back at us . its a funny world .:smile2:
What I'm agreeing with Brad on is there isn't enough difference one way or other to make a hoot in hell. I don't use a saw as much as a few of the guys on here, but I run one most weeks at least thirty hours a week or more, I own both, can't tell a difference by picking them up, if I've got to set them on a scale to tell the difference then it just doesn't matter unless I'm just being anal.
There is no reason to get into a personal pizzing match about a few ounces, to get to that level is really uncalled for. It just make a person look like a, , well you can fill in the blank.
It's looks about as bad as the idiots that get on here and bash a particular saw without ever having ran one or owned one, makes no sense, but some newbie takes it as gospel, must be true, guy has been on here since dirt, maxed out on rep, must be right.
It's just like who builds the fastest saw, who gives a rat's azz, on any given day anyone can be beat, who in the real world of using a saw on a daily basis cares, all I care about is that they are reliable on a daily basis, that the modder builds them in a way that they are dependable, and gives me a good return on my investment, i.e. increased productivity without effecting saw life dramatically. I've never seen any credible modder on here say they build the fastest saws. I have seen their fan clubs make those claims, and I know the modder just cringes as they all know they can be beat on any given day.
McClaren, we all have our moments on here, I've sure as hell had mine, Brad sure has had his, but on this one you've went way overboard on an issue than doesn't mean jack sheet, imho.
What I'm agreeing with Brad on is there isn't enough difference one way or other to make a hoot in hell. I don't use a saw as much as a few of the guys on here, but I run one most weeks at least thirty hours a week or more, I own both, can't tell a difference by picking them up, if I've got to set them on a scale to tell the difference then it just doesn't matter unless I'm just being anal.
There is no reason to get into a personal pizzing match about a few ounces, to get to that level is really uncalled for. It just make a person look like a, , well you can fill in the blank.
It's looks about as bad as the idiots that get on here and bash a particular saw without ever having ran one or owned one, makes no sense, but some newbie takes it as gospel, must be true, guy has been on here since dirt, maxed out on rep, must be right.
It's just like who builds the fastest saw, who gives a rat's azz, on any given day anyone can be beat, who in the real world of using a saw on a daily basis cares, all I care about is that they are reliable on a daily basis, that the modder builds them in a way that they are dependable, and gives me a good return on my investment, i.e. increased productivity without effecting saw life dramatically. I've never seen any credible modder on here say they build the fastest saws. I have seen their fan clubs make those claims, and I know the modder just cringes as they all know they can be beat on any given day.
McClaren, we all have our moments on here, I've sure as hell had mine, Brad sure has had his, but on this one you've went way overboard on an issue than doesn't mean jack sheet, imho.

thats just pure horse chit IMHO. ALL I have done is try and point out a simple fact. thats ALL. You fellas wanna make me look bad for tryin to argue a point. A legitmate one that then fine. It dosent matter, as Ive said a thousand times whether the 460 weighs a full pund or a few ounces more than an 046, but the fact is the 460 did gain a tad bit more weight. thats all. If its wrong for me to believe that then so be it. but when Brad insists on making me out to be a liar or have motives then horse chit now.......Ill be danged if i back off that pukey chit. but we shall all see come Thursday. Ive got jnothin against you indiansprings, but i will stand my ground. It;; be a cold day in hell when brad snelling backs me down LOL.
Why is this so one sided, and against Paul? Nobody had anything to say to me eh? I argued some good point's from a real word logging side. Not a kitchen scale. The same just happened here, as happens in alot of porting threads. Get's one sided fast, and guy's dont like getting called out, that know evrything. I have thrown some of my saw resume out there. I want to know how long some of the real experts been at it? You want to trace my root's Ive grew up cutting when Mac's, and homelites where common. All metal no antivibration, or safety. Then it goes to well the wieght doesnt really matter, well then why do you spend countless hours porting a 70cc saw? And weight is mentioned so often as a factor? And the 7900 is so suprior over the 460 because of power to weight? Alot of one siding, and if the 7900 was the only saw to have, and no other class then a ported 70cc saw, dont you think all the loggers, in big timber, and all the books around here, would have parked all there Stihl, and Husky's. And thrown away anything but a ported 70cc saw? Afterall Walkerizing had been around so long.
Why is this so one sided, and against Paul? Nobody had anything to say to me eh? I argued some good point's from a real word logging side. Not a kitchen scale. The same just happened here, as happens in alot of porting threads. Get's one sided fast, and guy's dont like getting called out, that know evrything. I have thrown some of my saw resume out there. I want to know how long some of the real experts been at it? You want to trace my root's Ive grew up cutting when Mac's, and homelites where common. All metal no antivibration, or safety. Then it goes to well the wieght doesnt really matter, well then why do you spend countless hours porting a 70cc saw? And weight is mentioned so often as a factor? And the 7900 is so suprior over the 460 because of power to weight? Alot of one siding, and if the 7900 was the only saw to have, and no other class then a ported 70cc saw, dont you think all the loggers, in big timber, and all the books around here, would have parked all there Stihl, and Husky's. And thrown away anything but a ported 70cc saw? Afterall Walkerizing had been around so long.

Norm I agree. The 7900 was mentioned PURELY as a refernce point, until things got ugly. At any rate, to heck with the 7900. The ONLY thing at debate here ( as far as I have always been concerened ) is the fact that the 046 weighs a little bit less than a 460. THATS ALL.
LOL, if this isn't a hoot, 3 pages of ignorance about whether or not a 460 weighs more than a 046 by those that don't run them enough to know, but claim this knowledge and experience as having known it was so different for years, then it turns out, like just about anyone with a brain would know, they are basically the same, with the exception of the flippy caps and they don't weigh that much, LOL.

Any newbies, should be warned or made aware of these happenings, where literally ignorance in and of itself is presented as fact and if it isn't for the other fine member's knowledge surfacing it would have been left at that.

Too funny, but that is the internet for you. Where saws are crowned king over a few ounces that can't be felt and a few tenths of a horsepower that can barely be noticed in anything, but cookie cutting.

What is next how light a saw of the same model is, that was built on Monday versus Friday?

Thats my opinion, LOL,

LOL, if this isn't a hoot, 3 pages of ignorance about whether or not a 460 weighs more than a 046 by those that don't run them enough to know, but claim this knowledge and experience as having known it was so different for years, then it turns out, like just about anyone with a brain would know, they are basically the same, with the exception of the flippy caps and they don't weigh that much, LOL.

Any newbies, should be warned or made aware of these happenings, where literally ignorance in and of itself is presented as fact and if it isn't for the other fine member's knowledge surfacing it would have been left at that.

Too funny, but that is the internet for you. Where saws are crowned king over a few ounces that can't be felt and a few tenths of a horsepower that can barely be noticed in anything, but cookie cutting.

What is next how light a saw of the same model is, that was built on Monday versus Friday?

Thats my opinion, LOL,

Woh are you refering to Sam? No names?
LOL, if this isn't a hoot, 3 pages of ignorance about whether or not a 460 weighs more than a 046 by those that don't run them enough to know, but claim this knowledge and experience as having known it was so different for years, then it turns out, like just about anyone with a brain would know, they are basically the same, with the exception of the flippy caps and they don't weigh that much, LOL.

Any newbies, should be warned or made aware of these happenings, where literally ignorance in and of itself is presented as fact and if it isn't for the other fine member's knowledge surfacing it would have been left at that.

Too funny, but that is the internet for you. Where saws are crowned king over a few ounces that can't be felt and a few tenths of a horsepower that can barely be noticed in anything, but cookie cutting.

What is next how light a saw of the same model is, that was built on Monday versus Friday?

Thats my opinion, LOL,


REALLY???? So that pic modifiedmark put up is bullchit? Right? friggin flippy caps is the only diffreence. Only a few moments ago Sam, you were saying the 460 weighed 15 pounds and 10 ounces! LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "you said you can clearly see it says 15.10)
To heck with it all........I guess Im glad my 660 weighs less than a damn 066!!!!!!!!!!!
Doesn't it pretty clearly read 15.10 LB?

Which is just over 15 pounds and is .9lb away from 16 pounds.


McLaren, if you find yourself in a hole stop digging. You need to put the shovel down, LOL. I never once said it was 10 ounces, the problem you are borderline illiterate or something, as this isn't the first time you have had a reading problem. Just like when I told someone they need to read for comprehension and you thought that meant, I called them illiterate, as in they can't read. I'm beginning to wonder if you have an issue.

Please find and post where I said it was 15lbs and 10 ounces and put that in bold and quote it, LOL, cause you can't do it, cause I can read and I know my numbers, LOL.


REALLY???? So that pic modifiedmark put up is bullchit? Right? friggin flippy caps is the only diffreence. Only a few moments ago Sam, you were saying the 460 weighed 15 pounds and 10 ounces! LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "you said you can clearly see it says 15.10)To heck with it all........I guess Im glad my 660 weighs less than a damn 066!!!!!!!!!!!

No, I never said that, you did, you see, it up there in red. You clearly don't have a clue, and now its really clear, LOL.

Put the shovel down, and climb out, before it caves in on you.

Just here to help,

LOL, if this isn't a hoot, 3 pages of ignorance about whether or not a 460 weighs more than a 046 by those that don't run them enough to know, but claim this knowledge and experience as having known it was so different for years, then it turns out, like just about anyone with a brain would know, they are basically the same, with the exception of the flippy caps and they don't weigh that much, LOL.

Any newbies, should be warned or made aware of these happenings, where literally ignorance in and of itself is presented as fact and if it isn't for the other fine member's knowledge surfacing it would have been left at that.

Too funny, but that is the internet for you. Where saws are crowned king over a few ounces that can't be felt and a few tenths of a horsepower that can barely be noticed in anything, but cookie cutting.

What is next how light a saw of the same model is, that was built on Monday versus Friday?

Thats my opinion, LOL,

Once again Sam? I was wondering who you were refering too?
Norm, I consider you a friend and believe you have misunderstood me once again. In no way do I really believe stock saws are worthless! When I say say they suck, that's simply my way of stating how much I like a ported saw, nothing more, seriously. I fully respect every hard sawyer out there than runs a stock saw everyday, and 99.9% of those saws are stock. I fully realize that.

As far as the power and differences you've mentioned...I don't disagree with you at all. The 460 is far mor anemic out of the box than the 046. I was only commenting on significant, weight changing, differences. I well know how much the muffler has changed. My Dad's 046 came from the factory with a dual port cover. Not only that, the muffler body opening was much larger as well. Port timing has had significant changes as well. And don't we all miss those Mahl cylinders. Bottom line, I'm not discounting those kinds of performance changes at all. I was only referring to weight.

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