050 051 075 076 Info Thread

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Well guessing from the decomp, older handle, white throttle and small muffler I'm going out on a limb to say it's probably on 075? I bought a new muffler for an 051 from China just to try it out that looked similar. When I went to bolt it up I couldn't get it tight on the jug and and have to holes line up to the handle. I gave up on it. Another thing I notice about the Chinese parts is the metals are thinner gauge than oem. Most important thing is it's tight to the jug. When they loosen up there you get piston scoring after a while. Good luck with it! It must be a little quieter than the one that was on there!! :)
Yep, 075. It bolted up well, started and ran for a couple of minutes till the muffler got hot enough to smell the paint. This saw needs a carb kit I think. After sitting a while, the cylinder fill up with fuel and hydro locks, going to give it a rest overnite and see if it still does this, either way I'm ordering a carb kit to be safe. Good eye rockfarmer.
Hmmmmmm interesting. One way to stop the hydro locking is use the decomp but at that point the plug would be to wet with liquid gas to fire probably. I think I would check the gas cap to make sure it's venting. Cold gas in a warm saw will expand and go somewhere. If the cap isn't venting it will push the fuel through the carb and into the saw. I take the cap off, rinse off the gas with water and suck and blow on the thing to see if it's venting. That probably explains my drain bramage :) You can also crack the cap after running and see it it still hydro locks. A new kit is always a good idea as well as new tygon lines and in tank line. The screen on the inlet is usually crappy too. The ethanol reeks havoc with these old saws, eats at everything and is very detergent. Any crap that was stable is now in the carb. Great saws!!!
Already cleaned the tank, inspected the lines,( replaced fuel filter ) cleaned the screen in the carb, soaked the carb in carb cleaner for a couple of hours and reassembled. I'll try the vent fix tomorrow if things aren't right yet, thanks for the tip. We're not brain damaged, we have cad and their is no known cure.:givebeer:
Could be a metering issue..., partially stuck needle, stiff diaphragm, incorrect installation of the metering diaphragm where the lever is supposed to slide into the notch of the diaphragm stub vs. the typical setup where the stub just rides on the lever.

But 075? Cool!

Good call, Rocky.
image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg So I finally got the aftermarket chainbrake cover from Germany and I said I would report. Heres what I found so far. The casting and pin/bolt locations look to be right. I have not installed anything yet or even slipped it the saw but it looks very close. The plastic inside cover will not just slip on however they did miss a few rounded corners on the inside casting. Its heavy!! It cant be magnesium, buyer beware, twice the weight. The finish came all scratched and beat up however the packaging was intact which means they sent it knowing that. Not impressed. The cost was approx 60$ and the wait almost a month. Obviously it does not say Stihl on it. So for overall satisfaction I give it 2 1/2 out of five stars, so far. The paint is not an issue with me because im going to strip and powdercoat it anyway, but some would be pissed, and rightly so. The good news is theres 100 available if you have a broken cover and all the internal working parts. I guess Ill see how really good it is when i get the thing on a saw which could be a while seeing as I have this darn obligation called work! heres a couple pics
I am so glad you told me to keep all the bits after I melted my cover. Do you see many of the plastic internal covers? Or are they just as rare as the external cover? And yes work gets in the way of everything, if it wasn't so good at paying the bills you would quit. Look forward to seeing how it goes together. I'll be ordering one this coming month.
I'm by far an expert but I will say they are readily avail on eBay. 15$ for the Tillotsen and 4-5 for Chinese. Just look for carb kit Stihl 076 and there will be plenty there. I've bought both and they both work. If the carbs really bad a soak in carb cleaner or a run in the ultrasonic cleaner is even better. I prefere the metering lever with the fork that the pin on the diaphragm slides into. It pushes and pulls. Only time I messed with the welch plugs was when they were rusty or loose. I like the high low needles with the large ends that have a birds mouth to accept thin screwdriver. Most important thing I found is to clean the intake screen run the saw and clean it again in a bit. Alcohol loosens up all kinds of crap that builds up quickly there.
I appreciate the thought I really do, but,.. I have about 30 more years to catch up on what a lot of these guys Allready know. But they don't carry an iPhone or jump in every thread just because they can. There's a cowboy in Texas that builds the best saws any of us will ever see. He starts his listing with " not perfect or flawless" but they are the real deal. If I keep learning from him and this site I'll be in good shape in 30 years! Yes I agree, love these saws and they will run forever!

Just got an email from Jost the general manager in Germany from the company I ordered the aftermarket chainbrake cover from. He apologized for the scratched up finish on the cover and offered me 15 euro, 17,20$ as a partial refund on the sale, Of course I accepted and told him I looked forward to doing business with him in the future. Now I just have to put it all together and make sure it passes the test. I might just do it soon without powdercoating just so everyone knows wether it will or wont work. Stay tuned :)
image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg Just finished the Super. Man this thing barks when you gas it. Going to break it in tomorrow on some big maple. My new toy (the 090) crapped out on me after the first tank. Had to put this together to get the wood home. I must say though the 056 Super really can throw some noodles! :) Well here it is.


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? 076 Super ?

Terrific old saws, that one is very tidy RF, had one 1985-2002, loved it but it put on weight, well one of us did !
Thanks Creeker! She ran real good in the big maple, very happy with it. I think it's a keeper :) I put in a rebuild kit in the Walbro after minor tear down just to make sure everything was still torqued tight. I put it all in one of the tank screws and it stripped out so I did 3 of them over with keyserts. I should just do that standard on all saws from now on. The tank screws always strip out first. I guess I have to put together another one if I'm going to keep this one. Maybe a quick 051 to have something for sale. The powdercoating takes forever. Maybe just rattle can ford tractor grey, lol, idk. Happy sawing!!
Yep, 075. It bolted up well, started and ran for a couple of minutes till the muffler got hot enough to smell the paint. This saw needs a carb kit I think. After sitting a while, the cylinder fill up with fuel and hydro locks, going to give it a rest overnite and see if it still does this, either way I'm ordering a carb kit to be safe. Good eye rockfarmer.
Could be the 0 ring leaks in the oil pump and bar oil gets into the cylinder
and locks it up tight.,
Hey Guys, its been ages since I have come back to this thread, Im heading back to my 050av rebuild which I put off for 12months due to other commitments, but now Im looking at getting back into it. So I was curious parts are still laying around for the 050av which I have, I maybe interested in loading up a box of stuff to buy?