Hi all. I milled with my craigslist-acquired 051 & put probably 45 min at WOT milling, it did a good job. It petered out though when I changed to a different sprocket/chain pitch and perhaps I did not tune it correctly. So I sidelined her figuring I'd change most of the gaskets (wasn't planning on splitting the case) as well as the oil seals (I confirmed it was not holding vacuum). The flywheel side seal's all torn up with my local shop, then me, trying to get it out,and doesn't seem to want to come out so I figure I'll just split the case and do that gasket, and bearings too. In for a penny, in for a pound. It'll be my first time splitting a case, on my saw that's at least 30 years old, though I think it's closer to 40. The question I have is that some posts on this thread reference to using a case splitter (modified Husqvarna) but the manual outlines splitting the case by just hitting the clutch side of the crankshaft with a soft-nosed hammer. I take it there may be some problems with this approach? Or is it just not practical on such old, often neglected saws? I'm tempted to try the hammer. Talk me out of it.