ArboristSite Guru
If the compression is good maybe just a "makeover" is warranted
I dismantle a lot of chop saws made in Brazil and they basically went to torx screws. They have a larger head and ridges that are semi "locking". I like how they take up the whole hole in tank to prevent movement and keep centered. Upon final assembly I apply locktight and screw as tight as I can get them. Try tightening when dissembling and see if you can get the threads to strip. If you can good, fix with permacoil or better keysert. If not good. You might want to find out why the cylinder was full of oil. My dad did it to an 041 fb for storage. If she's smoking when running fill the oil and run it. Open the oil cap running and look for air bubbles, case leak. Also real easy to pressure test, can make one for under 10$. Tank, muffler mounts, intake and exhaust on the jug. One out of 15 a stripped m6 for cylinder rods going into case, I've messed up more than one trying to fix!