I've got an 075 of my own that I'm currently building. This is my first 075 build, I was going to sell it a few months back due to money being pretty tight but decided to keep it as I need a larger displacement saw. This will be for my own use and I need it to have a chain brake so I will be using a crankcase with the brake ears from a later model 075 carcass I have. Most everything else ill be using is from the earlier 075 shown in the photo. The crank out of it is minty as well as the cylinder. I did order a new fire safe muffler and muffler guard from stihl. Also picked up a new sprocket/clutch cover from Stihl. I already have the crank and case with new old stock bearings and new seals installed. The 1111 set of gaskets is still available from Stihl, I think it ran me around $35 usd. I did find out that a new piston and cylinder set is also still available, I just didn't feel the need to drop $346 usd when I have already have a nos piston and minty cylinder. I do have two HS-60B carbs but I may throw a little money down on a new walbro wj-112.