I think your question about the hp on the 070 is answered, the 090 was touted as having close to 13 hp, I don`t have anything in print from Stihl saying so, just what I have read on the internet.Just wondering what HP specs are for these saws?
The time line for these big frame saws is a bit difficult to nail down to just a year or month of when they first sold here in North America. Discussions have centered around 1959 to 60 for the early Contra saw and a bit later like 1968 - 69 for the 070 and 090 saws with the 070 and possibly the 090 still being made for the third world markets.They certainly were the biggest and toughest of all the modern Stihl saws intended mostly for the big West Coast trees in NA but they are widely used wherever big tree species are being harvested.
The 070 would certainly have the torque for milling, but I like more chain speed when I'm milling. When ripping the chain doesn't really pull chips, just small, kind of granular, particles, so you want to get as many of them as quickly as you can--and it still isn't really fast.are the 070's slow in wood? being kinda low in the HP dept. im reading 6.4 hp. I'm probably getting annoying as Im a broken record... would it be good for milling?...
the knockoffs look cool as well
Not sure what others are doing?
Sure, and without the work put into making it run normally the copies are not very good.That looks and sounds about normal for an 070/090. I'm thinking maybe the OP got some kind of mutant open port copy. It always surprises me why the Chinese don't just stay true to original designs. It would seem easier, more proven, and it is still copyright infringement anyway