Oil mix ratios:
Hello ross scott. About the leanest oil mixture I would run would be 40/1 for small saws, trimmers, weedeaters and these small roto tillers. Most of my saws made after 1960 seem to run fne on a 32/1 mixture, but the older saws I have, I run on 24/1 mix. The old saws mainly had reed valves and ran at 4-6,000 rpm's, with the richer oil mixes at the time and with the newer oils of today they should run forever. Today's saws run at screaming rpms and if the carb isn't properly adjusted they will eventually seize up, so it's better to have a bit more oil in the mix. A new saw carb can be properly adjusted for that saw say, by the dealer, but once that saw has a few tanks of fuel though it it will most likely be running lean. Any saws I own, I start, warm them up, run them a bit and if needed adjust the carb for the running conditions of the day. If you last ran the saw in hot dry weather and now running in cold damp fall weather the saw is going to run differently and the carb should be readjusted for that days running (weather) conditions, altitude, barometric conditions, etc. I run my saw here at my home, then go to my brothers, then I'll have to readjust the carbs for higher elivation and cooler temperatures. I've adjusted his saw at my home and he usually will have to readjust it a bit after he gets home. Saws can be a bit temperamental, so a person should know how to adjust a carb and keep an eye and ear on what the saw is doing and how it runs. Take care. Lewis.