$110 A Barrel $4 Gallon For Gas

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not surprised. Luckily I don't use heating oil, and use little gas. I work from home, my wife works less than 5 miles away.

I remember hearing somewhere, Glenn Beck maybe, that gas prices HAVE NOT kept up with inflation. If the gas prices had kept up with inflation, gas would be more than $5 a gallon.....

I'll just keep doin what I'm doin..........
People in the US and us in canada are lucky how low our prices are compared to the rest of some of the world.We've been paying over 4$ a gallon for almost 2 years.4.40$ where I live.Take Europe for instance.The prices there are over twice as high as the US.Portugal with an average of less than 10,000$ average yearly income per person was paying 6.65$ per gallon this past summer.And it's not just european countries.Japan, NZ, and Australia are higher.Brazil is even higher than the US. China(2.50) and Russia(2.70) are lower than the US ,but the average yearly income is much lower.I'm just happy we're not paying what europe is paying.Norway was the highest average this past summer at 7.75$ per gallon.Oh and Venezuela was .19cents per gallon.
Happy new year to you too - :clap: But not for opec....I hope their camels get constipated from eating too many dates. :dizzy:

I don't eat dates.......well not the fruit kind anyway.....I thought eating too much fruit gave you diarea?

Maybe the camels will eat too much cheese and get constipated.
I used to pump gas in he late 60's, 17 cents for Texaco Fire Chief - OPEC forms up in the early 70's, had their first "embargo" fuel prices have been going up ever since. Blame G. Bush if you want, but don't say opec has nothing to do with it. One of those sheiks just bought his own Airbus 380 for how many million? I suppose he made those millions selling camels..........

People in the US and us in canada are lucky how low our prices are compared to the rest of some of the world.We've been paying over 4$ a gallon for almost 2 years.4.40$ where I live.Take Europe for instance.The prices there are over twice as high as the US.Portugal with an average of less than 10,000$ average yearly income per person was paying 6.65$ per gallon this past summer.And it's not just european countries.Japan, NZ, and Australia are higher.Brazil is even higher than the US. China(2.50) and Russia(2.70) are lower than the US ,but the average yearly income is much lower.I'm just happy we're not paying what europe is paying.Norway was the highest average this past summer at 7.75$ per gallon.Oh and Venezuela was .19cents per gallon.

Spell "TAX".
The U.S. pays 1/2 what you pay in Canada. It is 4x-6X that in Europe and Japan. Again: taxes to pay for all the benefits :confused: you and they think they're getting. :clap:
Then again, Brazil has all that Ethanol to save the planet. :confused:
Now Chavez, that's another ballgame: Can you spell "DICTATOR" ? :angry2:
I used to pump gas in he late 60's, 17 cents for Texaco Fire Chief - OPEC forms up in the early 70's, had their first "embargo" fuel prices have been going up ever since. Blame G. Bush if you want, but don't say opec has nothing to do with it. One of those sheiks just bought his own Airbus 380 for how many million? I suppose he made those millions selling camels..........

They are all in it together...
Thank the bush administration. I am buying a moped to make my 2.5 mile drive to work. I burn more gas warming the truck up to go to work than I do on the actual drive.
the bush administration has been an easy scape goat for everything from oil prices to vd. People need to grow up and realize the world we live in today is nothing like it was even 15 years ago. If you want the easy way out and want to point the finger at one cause of high oil prices, point it at the Chi-coms. It all supply and demand. Opec is producing at nearly 100 percent. Can not get anymore oil from them. If you want to do something about supply, write your weenie congressman and have them lift the stupid regulations on gas formulations and let oil companies drill off shore and in alaska. You bush haters truly show your ignorance of world issues because you are blinded by your hate for one man. You have been spoon feed by lefties and have no idea what you believe in.
the bush administration has been an easy scape goat for everything from oil prices to vd. People need to grow up and realize the world we live in today is nothing like it was even 15 years ago. If you want the easy way out and want to point the finger at one cause of high oil prices, point it at the Chi-coms. It all supply and demand. Opec is producing at nearly 100 percent. Can not get anymore oil from them. If you want to do something about supply, write your weenie congressman and have them lift the stupid regulations on gas formulations and let oil companies drill off shore and in alaska. You bush haters truly show your ignorance of world issues because you are blinded by your hate for one man. You have been spoon feed by lefties and have no idea what you believe in.

Go spend a year in baghdad to fight bushes war then come talk to me about why I despise the bush amin, not hate.
...but it still does not invalidate any thing that I said. I am sorry that anyone has to go to war.. we live in an imperfect world. If you want to blame bush for the war, you have throw in the previous administration, 90 percent of congress, 80 percent of the american population. We were all duped into believing Hussein had chemical weapons, even Hussein himself. Most people pointing the finger at bush have either a bad memory or is a liar. There are some who did not want the war (less than 20 percent go back an look at the polls) and if you were one of them cudos to you. You are either against all foreign wars (this I can respect) had a crystal ball, or had your own intelligence agency working for you who got it right.

Thanks again for your service, but just because I never have been in the armed forces does not automatically make my view point wrong or right. If that were the case, 90 percent of america should not be involved in foreign policy.
...but it still does not invalidate any thing that I said. I am sorry that anyone has to go to war.. we live in an imperfect world. If you want to blame bush for the war, you have throw in the previous administration, 90 percent of congress, 80 percent of the american population. We were all duped into believing Hussein had chemical weapons, even Hussein himself. Most people pointing the finger at bush have either a bad memory or is a liar. There are some who did not want the war (less than 20 percent go back an look at the polls) and if you were one of them cudos to you. You are either against all foreign wars (this I can respect) had a crystal ball, or had your own intelligence agency working for you who got it right.

Thanks again for your service, but just because I never have been in the armed forces does not automatically make my view point wrong or right. If that were the case, 90 percent of america should not be involved in foreign policy.

I have never been for fighting someone else's war. The middle east has been fighting for the last 100 centuries, I don'd know why america thinks that we are going to go over there and make them stop in a five or even ten year span. We have made a differance in some peoples lives over there, but at the same time we have just stuck our noses in a thousand year old religious battle. But at this point the damage is done. and all that we can do is continue on and what happens, happens. Yes we are all at fault as a whole. The majority of america votes, and those that don't let the rest of the voting population vote for them. I come off pointing the finger at the bush administration but in the end we all have a finger that bends a 180 degrees and points right back at ourselves.
I have never been for fighting someone else's war. The middle east has been fighting for the last 100 centuries, I don'd know why america thinks that we are going to go over there and make them stop in a five or even ten year span. We have made a differance in some peoples lives over there, but at the same time we have just stuck our noses in a thousand year old religious battle. But at this point the damage is done. and all that we can do is continue on and what happens, happens. Yes we are all at fault as a whole. The majority of america votes, and those that don't let the rest of the voting population vote for them. I come off pointing the finger at the bush administration but in the end we all have a finger that bends a 180 degrees and points right back at ourselves.

Excellent point. We can have a rational argument on how and when to fight wars in the Middle east. Saddam kept Iraq quite by ruling with an iron fist. Now we have autonomous states that a government is trying to hold together. Our view of future conflicts in that area should change because of this. I think the fair way to deal with husseins chemical weapons was to take him out and try to instill some form of democratic rule. This does not have a good chance of happening because of the hatred between sects. The war was waged in way to reduce the amount of innocent casualties. In hind site if we could do it over again (still believing that he had chemical weapons) the correct way to wage the war would would be 40 days of bombing (back to the stone ages) and keep them busy building roads and building instead of weapons, and do not send any troops in.

The europeans came out of the dark ages over 500 years ago. We no longer believe that the sword is the correct way to advance our form of religion. Unfortunately we still have some fraction of over a billion people who still live in the dark ages and would think nothing of blowing up my 2 and 5 year old kids, if given the chance. I would like to think the war in Iraq has significantly decreased that chance or at least delayed it by many years and for this, again I say thanks.
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