ArboristSite Lurker
I just wanted to thank all for a wealth of info on this site. My Stihl 034 just called it quits and I needed to purchase a new saw quickly. After reading alot of the opinions and posts, I've replaced her with a Husqvarna 359. Not to fuel the Stihl vs Husky debate. My Stihl gave me 15 years of rugged service. I'm sure it's repairable, but I have access to a ton of free wood from a builder that just cleared some land, and don't have time to wait for a repair. This saw was a gift form my Dad so I want to keep it and repair it.
Thanks again, and I'l be posting soon asking help on repairing the Stihl.
:umpkin: :umpkin: :umpkin:
Thanks again, and I'l be posting soon asking help on repairing the Stihl.
:umpkin: :umpkin: :umpkin: