$20 Saw Box

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And picked up a couple this afternoon. I just wanted to get my larger saws off the floor and I'll slap the bars back on them when I need them.

I've been wanting to do this for awhile but hadn't found the right size tote. The chain brake handles just clear with enough room to close the lid.

I think these will work just fine.

It looks like you are also using 'chain saw diapers' (oil absorbent pads) in the bottom of yours. I like to place these in all of our saw cases. Really makes a difference in keeping the saw and the case clean compared to newspaper, paper towels, etc.

My son-in-law and his brother kid me about being a redneck although there's not many to be found in Southern California--maybe an endangered species around here. My hobbies: guns, chainsaws and bikes, and after we're done for the day with all of those, adult beverages, seegars and a campfire with meat over the coals. Hmmm... maybe my neck is a touch sunburned...

But mainly, I got this box because I'm CHEAP!
I'm with you man!!!! You just named all my obsessions!
BTW that tool box with the bar sticking out reminds me of a guy with a woodie walking around with his fly open, just aint right....
My saws ride inside the truck, 'cept for photo opprotunities....they rate..uh that and I don't want some crackhead taking off with one of them when I stop to get gas or beer...
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I think i'll hit home depot first

I had run across that Northern box, I was going to use it. It takes a 24" bar and is only $29(plus shippng) so really about $39 but I'm going to have to check out that $20 box now- twice the box, half the price. Thanks for the heads up.
Glad this thread was brought back up. I was going to take the xpw with me tomorrow and look for a box that the powerhead would fit in!
It works and it's cheap

I've been using this setup for a while and I've got no complaints. The wheels are not heavy-duty, but they're holding up OK and they make it easy to scoot the box around in the garage and on concrete; obviously not useful on dirt or in the woods, though. As noted, it takes up a bit of room in the truck but it's not a handicap for my use. And I can leave the box in the bed of the truck at night (not in populated areas, of course) and it keeps the dampness off the saw. Bottom line: it works just fine for me.

My wife had 2 of those boxes in the basement, she said she got them at true value, they were on sale about 2 months back, under $20. they might not be on sale but if anyone is close to a true value they may have them in stock. Also she will not let me have one.:cry: