2009 Chainsaw Health Challenge!

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My friends's wife bought the kids one of those "Dance Dance Revolution" things for their games thing last Christmas - after a while the kids hardly got a chance to play on it. She was by no means fat, but she lost 19lbs just by getting addicted to playing that.
Her meth habit may have played a part in that though.
Only joking about the meth. Or the DDR game, I can't remember which it was she did. Still looks hot at 52 though, and I'm 20 years her junior...
I have been doing P90X for about 3 weeks, have not lost many pounds, but I have gained more muscle. I think I have lost 5 pounds.

I am 219 right now and once I reach my goal I will post pics.

My wife has been doing P90x for 2 years...she is strong!! I'm going to start it this year as well. Looks like a great program.
Yeah, count me in too. I am a machinist by trade which means I don't get a lot of exercise on the job. Firewood cutting has always been good exercise for me, but with so little daylight left when I get home from work........
I guess I need to hit the weights!
Not sure what my goals are (kinda the story of my life) but a few pounds less would be good.

I'm 45, 5'10", 175#, BP is 120/70. Slight gut. I wore 30" waist jeans until a few years ago, packed a few inches on my gut pretty quick. Now i'm back down to 31", after helping a friend rebuild a house this summer. Didn't lose much weight but most of it moved from my belly to my chest/shoulders.

Beer is one issue, also the many hours a night I spend exploring the internets. A couple crunches a day would help, a few beers less a week would be good too.

I would quit smoking, but I already did 5 1/2 years ago. (wellbutrin really helped tremendously! try it!)

I guess I'm in. What kind of saw do you buy me again? (kidding)
Not sure what my goals are (kinda the story of my life) but a few pounds less would be good.

I'm 45, 5'10", 175#, BP is 120/70. Slight gut. I wore 30" waist jeans until a few years ago, packed a few inches on my gut pretty quick. Now i'm back down to 31", after helping a friend rebuild a house this summer. Didn't lose much weight but most of it moved from my belly to my chest/shoulders.

Beer is one issue, also the many hours a night I spend exploring the internets. A couple crunches a day would help, a few beers less a week would be good too.

I would quit smoking, but I already did 5 1/2 years ago. (wellbutrin really helped tremendously! try it!)

I guess I'm in. What kind of saw do you buy me again? (kidding)

After reading this I HAVE to be in. I haven't worn a 31 waist since the 6th grade (not kidding). I haven't been under 200 lb since I ate a bad burger at the local short track and got food poisoning when I was 16 (again not kidding).

I am suffering from Dunlop syndrome, as the old joke goes, my belly dun lopped over my pants. (One more time, not kidding):)
I'm 45, 5'10", 175#, BP is 120/70. Slight gut. I wore 30" waist jeans until a few years ago, packed a few inches on my gut pretty quick. Now i'm back down to 31", after helping a friend rebuild a house this summer. )
I wore a size 31 pants too..........about 35 years ago.:hmm3grin2orange: You sound like you are not too far off your target weight now.
To make this interesting, there needs to be money involved. How about all participants put $10 into a fund, and the winner (most weight loss either straight pounds or percentage wise) in a specified period of time gets a new 361 to be paid for out of the fund. Pictures would have to be taken on a weekly basis of you standing on the scale. :cheers:
To make this interesting, there needs to be money involved. How about all participants put $10 into a fund, and the winner (most weight loss either straight pounds or percentage wise) in a specified period of time gets a new 361 to be paid for out of the fund. Pictures would have to be taken on a weekly basis of you standing on the scale. :cheers:

Make it a Jonsereds 820 and I'll take that bet, then take the saw.

Otherwise, there is already a prize at the end of this - an increased positive change in our health.
Yeah, but that hasn't been a sufficient reward yet, huh. :)

At 20, 30, and even 35 it wasn't. Now I am 42 and it's time to switch gears. I can still be strong and get things done at a lighter weight, and my interest in moving heavy items has waned somewhat.

I'm doing this no matter how this thread ends up, so if there is to be an additional prize thrown in I may as well ask for one that I am truly interested in.

Not sure what my goals are (kinda the story of my life) but a few pounds less would be good.

I'm 45, 5'10", 175#, BP is 120/70. Slight gut. I wore 30" waist jeans until a few years ago, packed a few inches on my gut pretty quick. Now i'm back down to 31", after helping a friend rebuild a house this summer. Didn't lose much weight but most of it moved from my belly to my chest/shoulders.

Beer is one issue, also the many hours a night I spend exploring the internets. A couple crunches a day would help, a few beers less a week would be good too.

I would quit smoking, but I already did 5 1/2 years ago. (wellbutrin really helped tremendously! try it!)

I guess I'm in. What kind of saw do you buy me again? (kidding)


I need to redistribute and/or loose a few pounds. I'm 60, 5'10" and 215 pounds. I just took my BP, 127/70. My body fat is currently 17.9%. I'd like to do the following this year:

- body fat under 15%
- increase stamina, flexibility and balance

I do mostly cardio, core and intervals.

I'll let the weight take care of itself.

Here's to everyone's improved health ... :cheers:

May your year be blessed ... :cheers:

im 42, 5'11" and 210, i would love to lose about 10-15 pounds but my main concern is to quit tobbaco. i pretty much gave up cigarettes but got hooked on those cheapo cigars 5 pack for like 4.00$. if i can get rid of that habbit i would be happier then a pig in s##t, but its tough not to have a smoke when the beer is flowing. i eat fairly decent not too much junk food, and take meds for high cholesterol. heart troubles run in my family. so i guess smoking first and weight loss second for me.... im in.

what you want to loose is not weight but fat, gaining muscle will make your weight go up, but just because you weigh alot does not mean your unhealthy.

just look at all the athletes that you see, they weigh 300-350 lbs but they are solid muscle. if this is a contest that might have to fit in there somewhere.
I've been on vacation for three weeks, ate fast food every day and had 4-5 beers every day. Not sure of my weight but it has increased, guessing around 185. I'm 34 5'6". My plan for the new year is to lose about 15 lbs, and start lifting, and to eat better. There is heart disease in my family, I need to cut out the fats, and exercise more.
Well its been about a week since I started the challenge. I can't believe it about 1000 views and 56 replies. Does that mean that only 5% need to make changes? I've seen those stupid oil threads get more response and concern than that. Of course I've done the same thing- sit there 270 # drinking a coke munching on snacks concerned about which oil is the best for my saw. :laugh: Oh well enough about that.

For you guys that joined in, I weighed 201 yesterday so I have to lose 20 pounds for my work challenge. I got it mapped out on my calendar 2 pounds per week so I hope to be there by the end March . I've already been close to that. Thanksgiving day I got out and cut wood worked up a good sweat came in and weighed 185, but it didn't last long.:( Dang those Holidays.

You guys that joined lets post back up each month and tell how your progress is going. Good or bad, maybe it will help us stick with it. Good Luck!
Sounds like a plan. I could use a little motivation.


A little motivation? OK. Airecon is gonna muscle up and come over and clean your clock if you don't stick with the AS health and fitness challenge. :buttkick:

Best wishes in 2009, :clap:
