In D-Nile
ArboristSite Lurker
Well do we have enough to make a final top 20 List? Even if they are not placed from 1st to 20th???? The 20 Best MUSCLE SAWS OF ALL TIME ARE..... ???????????
Yes Sir definitely a Old Husqvarna Fan. Having stated my story of why and my personal experience with my old Husqvarna, I must admit that Ultimately I am a Crazy Chainsaw Fan!!! So I can only say that I have been there with the 2100 and 480. I can not say anything about the other Top Muscle Chainsaws of All Time. As far as this Thread goes, or at least as far as I understand that 160+ pages ago the question is; What are the Very Best Top Muscle Saws of All Time? Top 5? 10? 20? I think that the 2100/2101 deserves a spot among These. Sounds like its gonna be Close to the Best if not the Best. But these Macs with The Cart Motors May be the one to knock off the Husky... From what I've been able to see and from the Men who actually were there as fallers and Ran them, both the Macs and Husky saws it really sounds as if the Mac was The Top Saw. I can not say. But as far as availability of them they seem rare. Would be damn Happy Crazy Chainsaw Guy Here for an opportunity to sink one of them Macs into some Timber and really have a Opinion on it. They definitely have my attention!!! Some more research is needed for me!!! All I want for Christmas is More Chainsaws!!!!! Hell with them front teeth! Might give my first born for the right saws. Definitely do it actually! Does that make me a bad person??? Do I need a Chainsaw support group???? Hope so!!!!