Riff Raff Fart Knocker from other Forum's.
Yep. As far as the old Homelites go, the 150 fits that role for sure Norm. There's at least one on our local CL right now. He's located in Fairfield. No pic in his current listing, but there was one in earlier listings of his. His saw is an ugly, diry blue/white version. I passed one up at the Meecham dump years ago. Could've got it for a song. Had a blown oiler diaphragm and was drooling bar oil out of the muffler. Common on these saws.
I SHOULD have gotten it for the clutch parts and the SWEET 16" Homelite branded Windsor Speed Tip replaceable sprocket nose that was on it (the chain was even in good shape). Instead I set it back down and watched some moron pull and pull and pull until the cylinder had filled with bar oil and hydrolocked. Crunch. I snickered and walked away..............when I SHOULD have waited for him to set it back down. I could have REALY gotten it cheap as a 'blown' saw at that point. Sometimes I'm not that smart. I had forgotten that they shared B/C's and clutch parts with my beloved Super E-Z's...
Homelite 150 chainsaw
As much as I dislike these, I am still somewhat drawn to looking at them. Kinda like seeing a Big Ol' girl in stretch pants and a sports bra............

I might have to get this one just for the bad a$$ original case.
Homelite 16" Chain Saw automatic 150