Mister Wizard
Got a call for help today, from a real good friend of mine. He had a bunch of oak hauled to hi house, been cutting a few day's and said he was out gunned. He has a real nice 254xp, but that's his only saw. He want's to ad a bigger saw to the lineup, but short on cash. So I am going to head over in the next weekend, or so with the fleet, and let him sample saw's! But I told him in this size wood two of mine will be the standouts, 2101 and the 660.
Hey Norm did you go cutting on that wood yet? I can think of a few big McCullochs 'round here that'd like to chew on some big oak...
I got a lead on a green muscle saw while out looking at muscle guns, I couldn't afford the guns but hopefully the saw will pan out, just waiting for a call from a saw shop mechanic who said he stored some green monsters a few years ago to keep them from going to scrap. So until then here are some pics of what I did yesterday.
Nice toys Jim. SMG's are a hoot. Looks like a KRISS Vector, an Uzi, and an MP5K. I've shot an Uzi and a full sized MP5 (not a K). Haven't played with a KRISS yet. Some neat ideas in that one. 45ACP to boot. I ran a Thompson M1A1 and it was just about the most fun I've had with my pants on....
I think i will call you sir.......
Neil my friend, after seeing pics of you..............................I don't think you need to call anybody sir...

Only group with a higher % of ******s is the Arbs, they fight like girls.
Yep. Comes from having too much sustained harness pressure on the nads.....:jester:
'sup Norm?
The 1100 is hanging with the Homelite 2100S, whispering stories to themselves, wishing they were painted yellow.:hmm3grin2orange::hmm3grin2orange:
That 2100-S can come hang out here where there's a bit more red (and blue) to fend off the yellow. Soon as I swap out that oil tank I'll gladly trade you a McCulloch (that you already own) for the big Homelite.
You can't blame me for trying.....:hmm3grin2orange: