Addicted to ArboristSite
Good deal buddy! Congrats
:msp_thumbup::msp_thumbsup: I know I am not the most computer savvy either.

Yep the good old first saw days! Good to see you Jim hope all is good buddy! Anything new or exciting in your arsenal?
I have never had my hands on a bow saw. Be curious though to try one. 10 acre wood lot sweet!
You know a funny story for a muscle saw man= Me the first saw I ran was a black and decker, or craftsman electric, though you would get a kick out of that Steven. Funny too as many saws as I have ran big chainsaw wise, skills saws like in my avatar pic always made me nervous! Different feel to emNeil it was 10 pm when I asked you time difference, so we got about a 7 hour difference. Yep and thanks that other spot good place!
Thanks, and same here brother:msp_thumbsup: I thought when I first started this thread it may generate a little interest, but probably die off. Should have known better, muscle saws, and good friends stick around awhile.
Of course! Nice, and congrats! Lets see a pic dude!Hey, Norm- suppose I bought the Johnnyred 2095 today, you think I could officially join the muscle club?
Of course! Nice, and congrats! Lets see a pic dude!
Right on! Just glad all was ok, been awhile. Great to see you thanks on the thread. Love the thread, and the saws. But my friends like you guys make it a special place!I've been away for awhile (the usual hunting season break and full time working excuse) but I'll never tire of your muscle saw thread. 2101s rule. Now I think I'll start her up this weekend just to watch her shake.
Good job, Norm - keep on trucking!
Your friend,
, Norm
Nice saw buddy!!!!!! I dug up this old pic, a Tan oak shy of 5 foot through I think, or close to it. I have to give a salute to my trusty 044 in the pic, still have it, and use it all the time. Trees this size can, and have been average for our cutting over the years. Though I wished a time or two I had the money for a muscle saw, the 44 pulled me through in this size wood, many times over. Thanks 044 my old friend!