2101xp/ top all time muscle saws!!!!!!!!!!!

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Forgot to answer Norm's other question.

There were three Macs that I saw in that movie.

1)McCulloch X-10 series...maybe a 7-10. Used for topping and some limbing. Tossed into the water when that tree barber-chaired.

2)McCulloch CP125. Ued for felling and bucking. Was the saw that Hank used to try to cut the big log that trapped his brother. Also used in the desk cutting scene.

3)McCulloch 790 (or maybe a 795, 797, or 740). Used for felling and bucking. Hank should have grabbed this saw when the CP125 crapped out. Look at my profile page for a publicity photo of Hank felling with this saw.
Nice! I was eyeballin em! Like to have em! In my collection. Maybe you, and Randy could give me one or two for the cause. You know just to reming me of the good ole day's! LOL! It would be fro a good cause!!
P.S Great movie but $@$#% sad man. I loved seein the saw's and the cutting, but depressing over all. P.S Saw's can be like talking politic's at time's I think LOL!
I hope you get to run a Homelite 750 Norm. They will surprise you. We aren't "stuck in the past". Just giving another perspective for the folks that are "stuck" on modern saws. I've ran a 3120 and still prefer a Homelite 750, 2100, or a McCulloch 797 or CP125. You did put "of all time" in you thread title after all...:D
Dont know what you mean by TRYING to achieve, the 090 kicked ass in more comps than can be remembered even over the almighty macs with cart motors!!!

What a load of horse crap sure there's the odd one or two that might stir a little dust now and them but in there day Mac was it.

And SP125's are still floggin' em ............... did you notice what came second .......... who cares Mac won.

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What a load of horse crap sure there's the odd one or two that might stir a little dust now and them but in there day Mac was it.

And SP125's are still floggin' em ............... did you notice what came second .......... who cares Mac won.


now, now Mcbob.....when was that vid shot? how many Mac's at the Oz titles this year? how many Mac's having success in the USA or CA?

oh thats right, we are talking stock......................seems that some of the loggers that felled in the era of the "new" sthils and huskies coming in were happy to see the change, comments I have heard are, they had better power to weight (maybe not the total power, but alot easier to handle) much better antivibe.....and wouldnt have a problem starting when hot.....which seems to be one reason more than a few mac's took flight down the side of a hill.........

Well ol mate that vid was taken at Australian Nationals in Dungog in 2008 young McNeil on the handles i asked young Neil to show me if the Mac's still had what it takes to win ......... theres ya answer.

Neils commented the saw presents to the block very well and has pretty of torque and its fully cushioned

The dynamic duo McBob and McNeil

I have seen the odd pull to ya drop Huskie at the races tryin' to start there one ring wonders ................... dont wind me up man you'll lose
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Well ol mate that vid was taken at Australian Nationals in Dungog in 2008 young McNeil on the handles i asked young Neil to show me if the Mac's still had what it takes to win ......... theres ya answer.

Neils commented the saw presents to the block very well and has pretty of torque and its fully cushioned

The dynamic duo McBob and McNeil

I have seen the odd pull to ya drop Huskie at the races tryin' to start there one ring wonders ................... dont wind me up man you'll lose

ahhhh....stock saws Mcbob not racers....any race saw can be hard to strart if not setup/built right. not sure what 1 ring or 2 has to do with starting either???? but like I said, i have read a number of accounts buy guys there in the day when the transtion happened....loggers didnt care about politics but what got wood on the ground...Macs put A HUGE amount on the ground, no question....but then so did Stihl and Husky....Im sure you would have seen the pics that DC and T.Fales jr posted of BIG wood being dropped by Husky/Stihl/Poulan....

starting you up is a good thing....wouldnt want that mac blood to go cold mate :yoyo:
Well it won't go cold while ever i'm alive

I recall you a bet i placed with a few loggers or cutters whatever you wish to call them mind you there are good and bad cutters some shouldn't even be in the bush.

I had some cutters i used to call and see at Buchanan at the back of Maitland in the Hunter Valley of NSW who were cutting fence posts plus pit props and borks now after watching these fellas doin' their thing i decided the fellas needed a challenge so here was the deal,
If there 090 Stihl could beat my brand new out of the box Mac 125c cutting the length of the bork then they had a brand new 125c as a free prize but if i beat them and there 090 they would have to buy the 125c ......... saws started after draging the 125 out of its box for the first time assembled fuel and oiled started tuned and made ready to run ......... raced that 090 and sold 4 Mac 125c in one go.

Dont tell me 090's are quick in stock form and even with the governers wound right open the Mac beat them with a brand new stock chain and the saw wasn't even run in engine wise.

Mind you had i lost the race i would have lost my job as the saw belonged to the company that employed me.
Thats what i call puttin' ya money were ya mouth is or put up or shut up.

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ahhhh....stock saws Mcbob not racers....any race saw can be hard to strart if not setup/built right. not sure what 1 ring or 2 has to do with starting either???? but like I said, i have read a number of accounts buy guys there in the day when the transtion happened....loggers didnt care about politics but what got wood on the ground...Macs put A HUGE amount on the ground, no question....but then so did Stihl and Husky....Im sure you would have seen the pics that DC and T.Fales jr posted of BIG wood being dropped by Husky/Stihl/Poulan....

starting you up is a good thing....wouldnt want that mac blood to go cold mate :yoyo:

Yes many brands were used in the bush some good and some not i suppose a work saw is a work saw Mac's downfall was parts with Australian needing lead time of roughly two weeks something that never got through the bean counters thick heads ya couldn't have pro cutters sitting idle waiting thats where Stihl had us beat the invested more into spares backup than Mac #### man as a single dealer how much stock can a man carry and even though i offered a quicker service turn around Mac let me down on spares.
Anyway it was at the end of countless years of battling and selling that Mac pulled out of building big Pro saws and worked the consumer market their excuse the consumer market made more money and the days of pro cutting were numbered.

Since this thread started off discussing Huskie 2100's i'd like to add that Mac had a 100cc saw too the PM1000 a Partner P100 saw in their range which really is proberly where the Huskie origionated from i sold a heap of them and a lot of them are still goin' and goin' strong

Yes race saws are not work saws i agree but thats were you fellas seemed confused when it comes to Stihl and Huskies.

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Comon, Little buddy's, I dindt want to start a war LOL!, I just wanted people to sawp stories, and in there opinion come up with muscle saw's old new whatever. Hell this thread inspired me and my buddy to dig out his dad's old 750 homelite. He fell alot of redwood with that bastard, wearing mostly a 48in canon. I love saw's. I do have my favorite's of course, who does'nt. But my 2101 is what made me start this thread. And yeah man I love my 660. But also love the nostalgia of an old classic! Those Mac 125's must be great, the 09's too we are still talikg about em! Well cause a this thread, and all Im gonna fire up, and run some of our oldies, they been sitting awhile, but we will fire em up. Got a homelite 5-20 750, A mac super pro 81 remember them! a 700 pro mac, and We will keep digging. My buddie's dad used to have saw's everywhere, by the way the super pro 81, and the 700 pro mac, are good, and strong runners, and run currently. Norm............. Who cares about the brand, a good saw earns my respect!!!!!!!!!!!
What a load of horse crap sure there's the odd one or two that might stir a little dust now and them but in there day Mac was it.

And SP125's are still floggin' em ............... did you notice what came second .......... who cares Mac won.


Yep the mac won but if you watch it the guy driving it is what won it, the guy in second place had as quick a saw but he didn't drive it as well. The guy driving that mac is good!!

Also if you have a look at some of the data on your own website bob you have an old photo or news paper clipping of a post cutting comp sponsored by mac that was won by ................. STIHL.

Look there are a number of good saws out there be they macs stihls, huskies or what ever. At the end of the day some companies that were around 30 or 40 years ago and made good saws didn't make such good business decisions and as such are no longer there, or now the products that are made in their name are just crap. Other companies which were there back then were smarter in the business side of things, didn't sell off their branding, refused to be bought out and advanced technologically and are still there. This is the reason that brands such as Husky and Stihl appreciate there current standing in regards to brand loyalty and respect. Unfortunately there are no longer any macs worth buying and even for a lot of their last years they had a lot of basically rebadged saws of other brands, somewhat like what has happened to the likes of jonsered, poulan, etc.

As unfortunate as it is to see an icon disappear unfortunately it is what happened to the macs and homelites and the rest of the champions of a previous generation, and it is what is going to happen to a couple of other brands such as oleo mac and solo, and if makita hadn't stepped in when they did probably would have already happened to dolmar. It is basically becoming a 2 horse race, which is sad cause when there only 2 horses they get lazy and after a while don't care if they win or draw then the innovation starts to drop off, and product quality plateaus or decreases and the consumers are the ones who pay the price.
Yep the mac won but if you watch it the guy driving it is what won it, the guy in second place had as quick a saw but he didn't drive it as well. The guy driving that mac is good!!

Also if you have a look at some of the data on your own website bob you have an old photo or news paper clipping of a post cutting comp sponsored by mac that was won by ................. STIHL.

Look there are a number of good saws out there be they macs stihls, huskies or what ever. At the end of the day some companies that were around 30 or 40 years ago and made good saws didn't make such good business decisions and as such are no longer there, or now the products that are made in their name are just crap. Other companies which were there back then were smarter in the business side of things, didn't sell off their branding, refused to be bought out and advanced technologically and are still there. This is the reason that brands such as Husky and Stihl appreciate there current standing in regards to brand loyalty and respect. Unfortunately there are no longer any macs worth buying and even for a lot of their last years they had a lot of basically rebadged saws of other brands, somewhat like what has happened to the likes of jonsered, poulan, etc.

As unfortunate as it is to see an icon disappear unfortunately it is what happened to the macs and homelites and the rest of the champions of a previous generation, and it is what is going to happen to a couple of other brands such as oleo mac and solo, and if makita hadn't stepped in when they did probably would have already happened to dolmar. It is basically becoming a 2 horse race, which is sad cause when there only 2 horses they get lazy and after a while don't care if they win or draw then the innovation starts to drop off, and product quality plateaus or decreases and the consumers are the ones who pay the price.

Well of the two brands you mentioned Stihl is the only one i have respect for Huskie on the other hand have bought out all the competition and then proceed to turn that saws name to crap pity really what are they gonna do next buy out all the chinese crap as well because thats the way they want to control market domination



Thats Jamie Allison from Dungog who won that event all we had to run was an old Mac 250 he also flogged a Homelite 750 by miles

I recall the first prize was a brand new in the box McCulloch SP81e and 50 ft of SPR370 saw chain.
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Yep the mac won but if you watch it the guy driving it is what won it, the guy in second place had as quick a saw but he didn't drive it as well. The guy driving that mac is good!!

Yep thats young Neil Onley hes better at it than me and the second guy was Wayne Donavan is no slacko either that was the final of the visually standard over 100cc race at The 2008 Australian Nationals held at Dungog in NSW.
The saw that won the 125 Mac wasn't anything special we laughed as we referred to it as the $70-00 doorstopper but that $70-00 was enough to win ................ McBob.

Oh and by the way i dont mind the odd Homie i have a Homelite 750 and a Super 650 on their way to Australia the 750 will be my second as i got one locally and it might get a bit of a hurry up regards a few mods and then ni'll see if the old 750 can run with the pack.



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Who made the first muscle saw? What year? One man not two man. A one man genuine muscle saw? What brand, and year?
Who made the first muscle saw? What year? One man not two man. A one man genuine muscle saw? What brand, and year?

This could be a very opinionated question.
Stihl made the Contra in 1959 at 106cc's
which could be considered a muscle saw.
Then in 64 a Contra S at 137cc's but then
there was the Solo Super Rex in 1963 at
142cc's. The Stihl 090 came out around
1968 or so. But in 1967 to me was a great
muscle saw, The Mcculloch 797 at 123cc's.
That would be my vote.
And we are not talking geardrives.

Cool good info. Thanks. My first thought was the Stihl contra, but was'nt sure. From what I have seen, and heard I would say muscle saw! Don't know how long of a run it had, but for a 1959 design pretty ahead of time I would say, and a A PLUS FOR EFFORT.

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