recovered from a serious ilness, only to be infected with a terminal disorder for wich there is no known cure
Hahahaha recovered from a serious ilness, only to be infected with a terminal disorder for wich there is no known cure
Awesome collection there, they are looking sweet!! Can I play my lil bend that rod vid now,hehe, messing with ya, ya done good, cheers!!
Hey Tom, good to see you poke your head in here Hey, when you going to bring that MS241 to the US?
I have no idea man. I don't know much about 241's, haven't recieved any info on it. If its like the 261 I'll like it, I sold 8 261's today, that thing sells!!
The 261's definately a winner. Had much experience with the 201 yet?
And tomorrow, Lisa and I celebrate our 23 anniversary
"30,000 posts divided by 5 years plus one month (61 months) = 491.80 and change per month...divided by 30 ( days in a month, give or take 1 for the knuckle draggers) = 16.39 per day...
Good read. Thanks for that. BTW, Brad actually mentions his anniversary in that one too. It was a reference to washing parts in the dishwasher. Good stuff.30.000 posts, that's really something. I've been here about 4 months longer than you, and this will be my post number... 763! I'm such an amateur... Think about it, even old Lake only lasted 25.000! :msp_tongue:
Anyhow, I just wanted to chime in on the cheering, and as many other has said: It's just not that you have knowledge and willingly share your knowledge, it's just as much the way you do it. Thanks for spending so much time here with us!
Now, someone said early in the thread "let's find his first post", and that got me thinking... There's a lot of old threads buried here on AS, good threads because of the great info or good advices they contain. And then some others are just great reading, like a good book. It's a pity they get forgotten so fast...
Now, there's actually one special thread that I often think of as one of my favourite threads on AS, maybe even one of the best threads ever. I know it's not your very first post Brad, but it's an early one. I haven't read it in a long time now, so my memory might have polished it a bit, but as I remember it has it all:
First the drama is presented, our young hero stands before a crisis since a betrayal has been discovered in a business arrangement. Then suddenly, a friend from far away appears and comes to the rescue. All seems fine for a while, only to change rapidly: The young hero just maybe wasn't the nice dude we thought he was, suddenly he seems to just have taken advantage of his saviour in the most spiteful way... Well, read about it yourself, it's nothing spectacular, but it's good reading - and a few pics: blsnelling and the best of AS in "I've Been Screwed!!!"
:wave: :rockn: :wave:
the big 30,000 lol i don't know how you do it, but keep at it.