Feel Lucky
Yo Bull....No way is he a troll, look at the mod pics he included.
And, over the years, I've run many Huskys, some stock, some modded, some just muffler modded. Years ago, I had a bone stock one that would hold its own with 020's ( or better). The others were also close--when they ran... Now, I run all ported XPT's, versus only muffler screen removed on the 200T. They're all close, except for the one 335, that I got from rich hoffman in pieces, which is still going strong 3 years later, and still easily beats the 200t. Thee 338 that I had woods modded by dozerdan still underwhelms, which is one reason why I have yet to get another 338.....
Currently, the ones I have all start and run reliably. There's still a few of the old nagging problems left....flimsy plug cover that must be taped on (this looks to be remedied on the new saws.) starter rewind that sometimes binds....
I think one reason why so many think the 200 is a much faster saw is the way it runs...higher rpm and quicker acceleration..and easier to start.
There's both good saws, but, as I've stated many times, I prefer the Huskys....and I'm not alone.
As far as the .250 chain goes, it could well be stronger, as the shorter parts may be less likely to break. The .375 low pro is fine if run smoothly by a good operator, and if the tie straps haven't been filed into. I haven't run .250 in 25 years. It's a darned good chain, much smoother cutting, but sure has a lot of cutters to sharpen!
I liked my 335 better than my new 200 t as it already has problems. My 335 never had a problem but finally got dropped from sixty foot on concrete and did it in! The husky dealer was out of top handles so I got the hyped up 200t and now wish I would have bought two huskies