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ArboristSite Guru
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
upstate ny
here is a question for all you 371/372 owners. i have and have had MANY 371/372 husky's. has anyone else had troule removing the top of the air box to expose the air filter on these saws? what i am asking is, once you un-snap the top of the air box, be it the pancake or the high top, do you notice a form of fusion in the plastic? most times it takes a screwdriver to remove the top. ( don't try to make money on turning this in. been there,got poop).
anyone else had this problem? marty
nope - just use fingers, comes off quite easily. putting back on,
first clip usually snaps on easier than the second one.

PS. i know they sell these models with different covers - i have the flat top type cover, are you having trouble with the sloped cover?
I have, Marty, on my 372 with the low-profile cowling. I found that the condition occurred after running, almost like the plastic housing of the case expanded at a greater rate from the heat than did the cowling, swelling it shut like a bad door on a humid day. Eventually, with enough "yawing" type movement of the cover, it came off, but this may have also had a lot to do with the case cooling down, freeing the cover. On a couple of times, though, I have had to give up on it overnight. I can't imagine that the little latent heat remaining in the plastic between >2 hours after shutdown and >12 hours after shudown could be that significant. This does, of course, shoot a big hole in the rates of expansion theory. But, upon (eventual) removal, there is no sign of melding/melting behavior between the parts. Once separated, the cowling can be removed and replaced repeatedly, with no difficulty, until the next time the saw runs. What gives?
My 371 has never given me any problems. What about taking a fine file and cleaning off a little shave on the mating surfaces? Ever think about putting on some graphite or your favorite spray lube?

Nope,Never had any problems what so ever at least with my 385,you must have got the odd ball saw or something..

Later Rob
it is not just one saw. 7 out of 8 in service (371/372) right now do it. the plastic seems to melt just a little. marty
That's definetly odd that 7 or 8 of the saw's do that...I don't know what I'd do,never had such a problem sorry man..

Later Rob....
Marty, Ive had a few and never had the condition you describe. Maybe a slight "pop" to get the cover off, but never anything more than that. Could it be a buildup of dirt or grit causing the binding, or are you running some exotic fuel mixture or something? It`s too weird that you are seeing a pervasive problem that noone else except Christian seems to be seeing. Maybe I`m just uninformed about everyone elses experiences, but I`m leaning toward a local environmental factor for you guys, something that you guys do or something your saws are exposed to. Russ
Marty,your not alone with the covers sticking.I have seen it more on the 371 and the older 372s then on the newer ones.I have probably seen 9 or 10 do it for me.I owned the worst of the bunch.It was an old 372,each time that I removed it,I thought for sure that it would break.One day I sort of broke the top covers and the brake handle.Anyone that has ever spent any length of time cutting logs apart on a landing now know what happened.Why do logs only roll when your saw is pinched?After the new covers,I never had the problem again.It must have been a bad plastic run.
i find it very strange so i started this tread. i just talked my cousin and he said two of his is doing it. we do store the saws on shelves when not in use. maybe some of the upper saws on the shelves are dripping gas or oil on them. no other saws on the shelves have this trouble. other husky's include 357,268,272,288,51,257,136,55,etc. the upper left hand corner seems to be the most effected. i thought maybe the plug wire created something. marty
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My saw is a newer one, built in February 2002. I'll see what my new Greffardized saw does, I guess.
the only time I have run into this problem myself, is the very first time the cover comes off...and only on some units...cant say i am having the same problems here...and I have sold and worked on countless 372/371/2171's.....I am not saying the problem doesnt exist, as it obviously does.....just not here...