Nightly update...
The finished products after the lathe work, not too bad for a parts guy...
So I go to check squish, cut my gasket, install piston (less ring), apply solder (.030")....
try to install cylinder. I had to chamfer the cylinder skirt that extends in to the case. The first time I tried it, the piston was sticking at the bottom of the bore, I knew right away what was happening.
Checked squish, ended up .026", little more than I wanted, but I can always adjust that later if needed with a thinner gasket.
Next up was checking where I was at with the port timing. I printed off a timing wheel and stuck it to a cd, stole that idea from somebody else here.
My numbers right now are:
Exhaust 100
Transfers 124
Intake 80
Not too far from where I want to be. I'm gonna raise the exhaust and the transfers a bit, intake is good where it's at.