372XP free bee

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New to me 372

Didn't want to start a new thread on basically the same saw but I figured I'd hit a few highlights and add to this thread. I traded my 288XP with the 066 piston swap for a low hour full wrap 372XP with a fellow member, I think we both are happy with the deal. Before I had the saw in hand, I had already ordered a new Meteor piston for it...


Marked where I wanted the windows...

Off to my nephews shop I went. Took .040" off the base of the cylinder and then it was time to do some milling...



I took the cylinder skirt up 1/8th" above the base of the cylinder.
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Turned .025" off the top of the piston to get a small dome and milled the windows in the side of the piston...


worked the transfers, exhaust and intake on the cylinder...


squish is set at .023" with a .010" gasket installed.
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I'm really happy with the results...

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="853" height="510" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/q7bs78OfZ0c" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

I have a few tanks through this one now and I switched it over to an 8-pin rim now, gonna try to get a video of it this weekend in some Oak or Locust.
Whatcha cuttin there Mikey, Styrofoam? :laugh:

Just jerkin yer chain. Looks good. :cheers:

Cottonwood or Sycamore, I forget. I know the wood looks like :poop:, that's why I want to get a video of it in some other wood. Here is the 262XP with the same 20" chain in the same piece of wood, night and day between the two saws...

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="853" height="510" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/I9vVyXFQjMM" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Yes Im happy!!! That saw REALLY came to life, when you dogged in hard later in the vid bfore noodlin it just kept askin for more , where is it running @ the top?
Great build and thanks for the vid!!:msp_thumbsup:
I have no idea on the rpm's, just tuned it by ear. I know it is running a little rich but that is ok with me. Maybe I'll put a tach on it this weekend and see what she is turning. Compression right now is just above 175psi with two tanks of fuel through it.
Awesome job Mike. That's a great recipe you used there. It really does work to raise the cylinder wall and window that piston.

Hey Brad did you see the 090 on craigs list listed in your area, I call and he had it listed earlier for $650, sounded good over the phone, but I resisted cad this time!!
I have no idea on the rpm's, just tuned it by ear. I know it is running a little rich but that is ok with me. Maybe I'll put a tach on it this weekend and see what she is turning. Compression right now is just above 175psi with two tanks of fuel through it.

You gonna keep it or is it fair game?