$375 per week climbing pay

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LMAO! Was this one of the guys you Picked up at burger king?

no BK guys make terrible climbers. This is a guy who used to be a window washer for high rise condominiums. lots of upper arm strength and not afraid of heights. he briefly went into the tree biz and learned the ropes wit someone else. now he works for me.
Let's see if i can explain this without sounding too arrogant-because my boss has me, he can bid on the jobs that 97% of the tree companies in the area won't even touch. And i can do these jobs quickly, efficiently, with a minimum of labor, and without any property damage, thus increasing his profit on every job i do for him. I have honestly got work backed up for almost three months right now that no one else wants or can do. And this should blow your greedy little mind-because he is the only one bidding on these jobs, he can just about get what he asks for. Fortunately, the company owner is a decent guy and refuses to gouge customers. But he makes a very pretty little profit on every bad-azz takedown i do for him.

do you wear a red and blue cape with the letter "s" under your normal tree climbing clothes?

seriously though... the tree guys in YOUR neck of the woods must really be lazy or underskilled if there are that many jobs being walked away from. i've only walked away from 2 impossible jobs out of 1,000's. and i'm average down here.
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Games People Play

Ferd is right...if all his previous posts are like the current one then TreeIn
just has some spare time and takes pleasure in watching other's jump to his tune. He writes the thread to elicit a particular response. To engage him
in dialogue gives him a certain credibility however false it may be. He truly doesn't care...he's only in it for the trouble it stirs up.

Seriously mate, only a fool would jump on here and boast about such a thing, I feel sorry for the dumb shmuck, now what's his number so I can put his chit up here for a wage rise auction to the highest bidder for employment... they'll ring him for his new job.

The free market is such a loose term. What's the minimum wage in your State?
Ferd is right...if all his previous posts are like the current one then TreeIn
just has some spare time and takes pleasure in watching other's jump to his tune. He writes the thread to elicit a particular response. To engage him
in dialogue gives him a certain credibility however false it may be. He truly doesn't care...he's only in it for the trouble it stirs up.


Well said. The guy is a cretin.
I'am not a professional feller or climber.. i only have 5-6 saws (all your foult AS) And i only cut wood for campin and if someone needs a tree down, even then its only niehbers or friends. But I used to work full time for a farmer for 7 years or so, welding working cattle, plumbing, electrical, field work. I didnt ask for much, the occasional day off, and thats working during harvest +70 hours a week. I took a pay cut and switched jobs becouse of back surgery - 16screws and 2 nice rods in my back. Took halff a pay cut, now i sit on my butt doing tech support for ISP service. And i still make more then your paying your groundsman. I've been a member of this site for awhile now and can never get enough information from all that contribute or have problems and getting answers. But when someone starts a useless post in making claims either false or true, thats not for me to decide, but to only post garbage on a good site in the only hopes of getting everyone ticked off and just getting argumentive replies i do feel degrades the site and for 1 cannot stand to read the junk and just gets my blood pressure up/ Ohh ya i still work for the same farmer but only parttime and only when it doesnt interfere with my current job, something about farmwork and being raised on a farm thats in my blood.
C'mon fellas...

Some of you must remember forrest... and the "why I charge $10 to prune a palm" thread amongst others.... It is so obvious...

How ya doing forrest?
tree service wage??

i never thought the tree bussiness payed that much...i have a class a cdl..and can weld,fix,build about anything.been cuttin wood and droppin trees since before i had hair on my legs..maybe im in the wrong buisness.what is an avarage pay for a tree guy???i dont want to start my own business but maybe work for sombody else??

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