$375 per week climbing pay

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i never thought the tree bussiness payed that much...i have a class a cdl..and can weld,fix,build about anything.been cuttin wood and droppin trees since before i had hair on my legs..maybe im in the wrong buisness.what is an avarage pay for a tree guy???i dont want to start my own business but maybe work for sombody else??

damn... with those qualifications i'd gladly pay you like $475 per week. maybe a little more if you work until sunset. but for that i can only supply you a jug of water, not that expensive orange tang stuff.
I believe that improves my chances of getting hired by treeinnovaturd exponentially.

hell yeah it does. you see, McDonald's trains you to live frugally and not waste money. if you can live off their wages comfortably, you'd be "BALLIN' " working for the treeminator !!!

in only 3 short years, you'll be promoted to head groundie and that's when the big bucks start rolling in.
I would like to thank every one for taking this guy serious and making a very entertaining post. You guys apparently have short memories.
hell yeah it does. you see, McDonald's trains you to live frugally and not waste money. if you can live off their wages comfortably, you'd be "BALLIN' " working for the treeminator !!!

in only 3 short years, you'll be promoted to head groundie and that's when the big bucks start rolling in.

Right there, thats enough to ban you! Bye Bye! You've been banned once and now again. You suck and I hope your under paid help takes there frustrations out on you!
at $375, he can't afford to buy a computer...let alone internet hook up

That comment proves that your either a scumbag, or a troll. Either way your a douce!

I hope to cross paths with some of the idiots on this site someday and see what they are really like.

You know what I think? I bet that this treeinnovator fool doesn't own a company, but in point of fact is an employee who just got demoted to a $375/week position and wants to come here and make himself feel better by making idotic posts.

Either way, he sure don't add much here at AS...
WOW What what a tool! I made more than 375 a week 5 years ago working at a facilty that maufactured stump grinders...AKA, lowly assembly pay job.

I agree with some others, most of the illegals won't work for that pay these days..
treeinnovator are you really serious ? hope you really dont run a bussiness using home depot rope and mulch bags to drop wood on when doing trees over roofs. if all you can afford to pay a good employee is 375 to 475 a week then you need to raise your prices. also if your getting every job you need to raise your prices. i bet you have no workmans comp nor benifits.
Maybe the work week for TreenoVader only includes Wednesday afternoon. That gives everyone a couple of days to sober up and leaves the end of the week for damage control, bids, and future business expansion planning.

I also like Bulls Ann Coulter Quote.
Maybe the work week for TreenoVader only includes Wednesday afternoon. .

no. it's a normal 5 day week 9am to 5pm. then i make them pass out flyers door-to-door from 5pm to 7pm for an extra $10 more. if they get a removal sale, they get a pack of cigarettes as a sales bonus.
Tree Innovator is a complete fake, that has nothing to do....he is just trying to get a rise out of people, he should be banned and this thread deleted......Its too bad that honest hardworking people that frequent this site looking to discuss their profession; have to deal with people like this, playing childish games......
Tree Innovator is a complete fake, that has nothing to do....he is just trying to get a rise out of people, he should be banned and this thread deleted......Its too bad that honest hardworking people that frequent this site looking to discuss their profession; have to deal with people like this, playing childish games......

very nice :sucks:

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