Tree Freak
You guys are all real weird man...
Hey, you don't really mean that do you?
You guys are all real weird man...
Hey, you don't really mean that do you?
All you mother 'heffers, every one of you, is completely crazy!!!
We're still on for Friday though right?
I agree with treeco on the above post.
Lxt definitely makes some good points though...perhaps he should get TCIA accreditted next, really step up his game.
I was thinking about doing that, only thing is; I dont know if I want to open my self up to a 3rd party. Bad enough all the Govt. entities in my Biz! but depending I might?? I do drink too much coffee by the way, LOL
be safe out there!
You commented on his one handing a large saw waist high off of a spar with lack of a hinge. If you want to find the photo and re-post go for it. It's the one that sticks out to me but I don't want to beat him up over it, mostly just pointing out that success can be short lived.
Treeman Dan
All you mother 'heffers, every one of you, is completely crazy!!!
We're still on for Friday though right?
All you mother 'heffers, every one of you, is completely crazy!!!
And this isn't a challenge, LXT, but it would be cool if you participated more and threw up some pictures. Lotta guys on this site have earned the right to brag and maybe a few pics of your operation would solidify in our minds what you already know to be true. Just sayin'.
Paaaaaaaa paaaaaaaaaaaaa paaaaaaaaaaaaaaa paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa paaaaaaaaaaa:hmm3grin2orange:
Welllll...where's the pics, it is Friday, right?
("Special Sauce" was G-Love's band, some local Philly guy from back in the 90's..."G-Love and Special Sauce", google it, don't ask)