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It has to be the right situation to fill it that fast. Working right next to the truck, cut & drop, bombing big leaders, etc. But yeah, a HUGE pain. I should be working too, gotta pull the starter on our big truck today, try and get that rebuilt so that we can get it to our "shop" and start on the hydraulics. Once it's done it'll be awesome but right now it's just a pain in my wallet.

Ok here is my big truck I got 18 cords split and still have a little left then got two huge white oaks so more to split lol:cheers:
Whew! you boys really got a full belly yesterday huh?? lol

Good to see everybody playing so nicely in our little sandbox. :)

Lets not be hating on the old chevys though...got it?? I've got two or three kicking around here, good trucks, they serve me well.

Hey rope, you ever get much exp. with any of the newer self feeders with a winch on em?? just curious. I think you would be impressed with my 250, that things a beast.

Ok, so my last thoughts on the stupid job: I would wait till the ground freezes (maybe some snow too) and yank em over with the tractor winch. I use a 3/4 DB in the tree, with a double bowline and large clevise hook attached to a 5/16 choker rated @ 18800 lbs (or right around there), the winch can lock, so usually I can get enough energy stored in the tree that it starts to go on its own (pto winches on tractors are very fast too though, if need be). Then skid everything up to a nice landing and maybe stuff the tops in the chipper with the forks attachment. Not trying to brag here by any means, just sharing some insight on different methods of doing things.

Of course I hate winter, so I would probably just do like the dan is thinking, and stick to feeding my woodstove in the winter.

Hey, that is exactly what I was thinking: do job now, feed stove later. Don't worry, once the machine starts working everything goes like clockwork... I said CLOCKWORK! Its easy to see the trees are big, its easy to understand there are a few ways to put them down, its easy to see that whatever goes down I will make sure its easy.

And who brought up the old war on chevy vs ford? Take it from me; DEY ALL GONNA BREAK ON YA sometime or another.
Hey, that is exactly what I was thinking: do job now, feed stove later. Don't worry, once the machine starts working everything goes like clockwork... I said CLOCKWORK! Its easy to see the trees are big, its easy to understand there are a few ways to put them down, its easy to see that whatever goes down I will make sure its easy.

And who brought up the old war on chevy vs ford? Take it from me; DEY ALL GONNA BREAK ON YA sometime or another.

Yea, and remember, at the end of the day, they are just ####ing trees...
IXT, Now you are bringing up peoples families. Why don't you just call it quits and go find someone else to bother? You are completely unable to converse in a good manner and that is what we are doing here. Your weak attempts to poke at The Dan is what the joke is . So really, enough. get ahold of yourself. This is not about whether or not to drop the trees you are just mean. That is what it is.

Dan.....or is it BEN ? I didnt say anything about any ones family! one of the other posters decided to take a jab at my family, where is the $300 a day coming from now?

you said earlier in this thread $500 for 2 days & must help rake, chip, etc.. I stated $500 for 2 days is a joke & it is!! funny how no one is replying to your asking if x number of dollars is a good wage...well what is it $500 for 2 days or $300 a day??

my weak attempt to poke at the "Dan"...... your name is Ben!! there in is the joke!

I wished Blakes a gods blessing & do the same for you too along with NC, who actually took a poke at family! the start of all this was me posting about #1- the wage being paid #2- how my team & I would do it & then you PM`ing me like you`re somebody(Not).

Ben.... I dont care how you do those trees, seriously! just be safe & may god bless you guys while working it!

I dont think $250 is that bad at all...thats what my subs get when we get together for jobs. $300 and I may as well do it myself with a couple of lackies drudged up from the local fish wrapper - but thats just me. Nobody ever complains to me about it. I dont see why you think thats such a bad number? :confused:

$250 can still put alot of food on the table for a family man.

BTW: I'm not trying to start with you here, I'm just asking for some more insight on this.
I dont think $250 is that bad at all...thats what my subs get when we get together for jobs. $300 and I may as well do it myself with a couple of lackies drudged up from the local fish wrapper - but thats just me. Nobody ever complains to me about it. I dont see why you think thats such a bad number? :confused:

$250 can still put alot of food on the table for a family man.

BTW: I'm not trying to start with you here, I'm just asking for some more insight on this.

I'd take $250 a day as a sub as long as I don't have to travel. Nothing unreasonable about that.
If you don't have a full time (other) job like I do and have a choice between sitting on 'yer butt all day making $0.00 and making $250, you have to go with the $250.
I do actually see the point of lxt 250.00 is not bad for a semi qualified hand. I would work for it though if I had nothing going and he provided everything and it was up to my standards. If I am to provide, my saws, my fuel, my gear then I would have to be a little hungry for that and since I am licensed,insured,and Incorporated my fees are quite a bit higher than that more like 600 per day or percentage of the job. That is my take on the pay but remember I have everything I need to quickly take care of those trees and insured to 2 mill so am financially responsible for my work. If something don't pick up after the few jobs I have scheduled I may end up ho'ing my services to some of you lucky people:laugh:
I did say 500 minimum and its not a ballbreaker of a job. Its not like I am looking to hire a guy to bring all his equipment out and do the job. I also did read something about Ixt mentioning something about a " wif..." and there really is never any call for that and I have to say that whatever is said just don't be saying that crap... especially in MY thread. Thank you.

Yup, I am ..... The Dan

I said before I understand the animosity Ixt but you are directing it at the wrong people. Its actually frustrating for me.
What do you think Murphy's super climber Pat Epps be bringing in? Most people are scared of us subs. We know what we are doing and don't put with BS.

I was just talking to a highly regarded (albeit drunken womanizer) local arborist, he said if I need help there is this supposed super climber I can get for 60 an hour. Thats 480 for 8. This guy competes in them international climbing competitions. The part that bothered me was he said "this guys incredible (or something similar, cant quite remember the exact term)...I mean your a good climber, but this guys incredible". that sort of got the old climber ego in me riled a little, but I let it pass. I'm familiar with this guy and I'm sure he's impressive, but i'll bet i'd give his azz a serious run for the money on takedowns - all day long! Bell ringing dont enter the picture there. Maybe I'll try this guy out someday when i've got more work than I can handle and am looking for some entertainment...who knows, I might learn something.
I was just talking to a highly regarded (albeit drunken womanizer) local arborist, he said if I need help there is this supposed super climber I can get for 60 an hour. Thats 480 for 8. This guy competes in them international climbing competitions. The part that bothered me was he said "this guys incredible (or something similar, cant quite remember the exact term)...I mean your a good climber, but this guys incredible". that sort of got the old climber ego in me riled a little, but I let it pass. I'm familiar with this guy and I'm sure he's impressive, but i'll bet i'd give his azz a serious run for the money on takedowns - all day long! Bell ringing dont enter the picture there. Maybe I'll try this guy out someday when i've got more work than I can handle and am looking for some entertainment...who knows, I might learn something.

Champions are a joke in a workplace. I will say many of them have good skill levels too but really if your an ego driven fool, I don't care to be around you. I have had people applauding me while rigging out wood and used to be much faster than I am now but hey I am alive and able to climb a full day at 46, so I feel I done it right. My skills don't have to be proven to make my living they have for the last 26 years and my favorite saying is; I may not be the best climber in the world but I can climb with them. People that think they are the best usually suffer delusions of grandeur:rolleyes:
My first year climbing I climbed in a TCC in Longwood Gardens, didn't do half bad. I came in first in the aerial rescue and 3rd in all the other events + I got disquailified from the speed climb if it wasn't for that I would of won a prize. It was a fun experience but I don't see much use for it in the commercial industry. I'm sure if I practiced everyday I could be the mike jordan of climbing just don't see the need for it.
my first year climbing i climbed in a tcc in longwood gardens, didn't do half bad. I came in first in the aerial rescue and 3rd in all the other events + i got disquailified from the speed climb if it wasn't for that i would of won a prize. It was a fun experience but i don't see much use for it in the commercial industry. I'm sure if i practiced everyday i could be the mike jordan of climbing just don't see the need for it.

I did say 500 minimum and its not a ballbreaker of a job. Its not like I am looking to hire a guy to bring all his equipment out and do the job. I also did read something about Ixt mentioning something about a " wif..." and there really is never any call for that and I have to say that whatever is said just don't be saying that crap... especially in MY thread. Thank you.

Yup, I am ..... The Dan

I said before I understand the animosity Ixt but you are directing it at the wrong people. Its actually frustrating for me.

Yeah Dan that was distasteful on my part and am sorry for subjecting the cool people in here I met to that trash talk. I'm not sorry to lxt though, if the guy wouldn't be such a jerk about it, things would be ok. It's not what he said it's how he said it. Maybe he will wake up soon and realize that debating and insulting are two different words. Thanks for the god bless lxt but I don't want it nor do I need it. I think you need it more, take care of yourself. NCTree
I was just checking out that dude I mentioned's website, theres vids of the competitions. Looks pretty good I guess...I could probably compete with those guys, I've been able to footlock for a long time now. If I just layed off the marbs and budweisers for a bit...

I imagine he'd whip my azz at pruning though...at least in my present condition, lol.
I did say 500 minimum and its not a ballbreaker of a job. Its not like I am looking to hire a guy to bring all his equipment out and do the job. I also did read something about Ixt mentioning something about a " wif..." and there really is never any call for that and I have to say that whatever is said just don't be saying that crap... especially in MY thread. Thank you.

Yup, I am ..... The Dan

I said before I understand the animosity Ixt but you are directing it at the wrong people. Its actually frustrating for me.

How wrong you are..........your buddy NC made a comment about my "fat lazy wife", I was gonna stoop to his level but didnt, can the "Dan" read? oops I mean the Ben!........your thread......LOL,

animosity?..........at least ropes understands! paying a man $250 a day (contract climber) or sub is an awfull wage! sorry benny....thats just the truth you dont wanna hear!

$250 is good if its under the table & you`re supplying the gear! a sub/contracted person making $250 a day aint chit...benny, c`mon if being done "legal"..........you do operate Legal? right?

run that number after taxes, insurance,% for equip maintenance, etc... hell uncle sam will get a solid 3rd of that $250 right off the bat meaning $250 just became $165 approx & thats not counting the rest of a subs/contractors operational costs!

The "Ben" might toot his horn & think he is all that, but you are either running under the table or a liability claim waiting to happen, how are these guys insured should something happen, are they additionalinsured on your account?...............Hmmm....animosity you say, I call it running a legit, professional biz.

what this job sounds like to me is a weekend warrior buzz job, hope no one gets hurt & from some of Plas`s posts in "your thread" you might wanna consider...........INSURANCE!

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