Most of the time it goes to the dump but somebody was coming with a trailer to take the big logs. The rest was cut into firewood for the owner, I thunk.
The weird thing with these jackets was that it appeared that red wasps were in the same log, same hollow. Two different types of wasps in the same log, hmmmm. I usually see bees or hornets in trees, not wasps.
I was lucky it was chilly or them suckers might have got me. I was inspecting every nook and cranny where a nest might be, but they were holed-up inside their log, dormant. I cut right through the topmost part of the nest. I hook my hotsaw and look up at my cut to see them start stumbling out and getting po'ed. 18" from my face!
Sheeite muslums!!! I uncliped my lanyard and burned it to the ground. I HATE freaking stinging insects!
Thats why the last cut is so big. No problem for the crane, but there was little space to lay it down. The plan was for smaller cuts but the wasps made me change my mind. It was an ordeal getting that large piece down, but it got done.
I get to do the same thing tomorrow for another guy!