ArboristSite Operative
If you read the posts you will see
That I have already done this I do not need smne to watch. Dude it's not the mechanic you guys are nkt reading the question. ONE OF THE SAWS HAS RUN 2 TANKS NO ISSUES I've had this issue in the past also. THAT IS WHY THE DAMN QUESTION IS IF ANYBKDY HAS HAD BAROMETRIC PRESSURE OR ANY OTHER ATMOSPHERIC CONDITIONS CAUSE THIS PROBLEM NOT TRY TO BE ******** TO A MAN STRUGGLING TO SOLVE A PROBLME IVE WATCHED MY FOOTAGE OF THE BUOLDS OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND EVEN BROKE DOWN AND REBUILT TWO OF THE SAWS. READ I SAID THE RAIL FILLS JUST FINE WHEN YOU ATTACHE JUST THE BAR. IVE EVEN ATTACHED THE BAR WITHOUT COVER AND EXAMINED EVERYTHING. ITS ALL WORKING FINE UNTIL I CHAIN UP. You're rude attacking comment is not appreciated neighbor. Nor is all the half ass reading of the thread, as is the case all too often on here. I need ******* help solving my problem not being told I am the problem bc I've spent too much damn time going in circles I don't need diagnostics I need an answer to my question. I know how to diagnose and I've done the diagnosing a hundred timesWell kind of it is- 5 saws, same mechanic, same problem.
What happens if you take chains and bars off the saws, start and run them WOT with the clutch covers off and have someone video the oil leaving the galleries that feed the bars?