Truth be know that most owners and many dealers lack the ability to competently work on a simple 2-stroke chainsaw. Basic principles of operation aren't even known, but everybody with a screwdriver likes turning it, and changing spark plugs for its always the spark plug.Indeed! and therein lies the rub. Will we have these issues down the road?
If this autotune is going to replace our trusty screwdrivers, when purchasing an autotune saw, the purchaser should receive ALL the software updates and the USB dongle interface, so that we can tweak these things as effortlessly as we've been used to doing ourselves. Hence the fear and loathing from many about going this route.
If I could buy a 562XP today WITH the diagnostic tool software and dongle interface, and receive full access to patches and upgrades via the Internet, I would rush out and get one immediately and I would hail this innovation as a brilliant upgrade. Barring this long shot option, it would seem the dealers might have more potential to benefit from this technology 'innovation', than the saw owners . At least until proven otherwise.
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Autotune will save a great many a saw from the dreaded death by screwdriver syndrome.
As a dealer, from a dealer standpoint, and having dealings with AT saws since 2009 (we only ever had AT versions of the 576 available up here), Autotune saws very seldomly come back (only one of the Gen 1 AT saws have I ever had to do any work on, and its a yearly thing, but seems Husqvarna Russia spec models have a fix so I wont have to change out the inlet pipe annually, and buddy saw owner cuts in the nastiest weather). My greatest workload on saws less than 4 years old is from the 400 series and Stihls.