Koa Man
Kahuna giganticus
My wife's classmate called me to remove a large breadfruit tree. The tree is about 50 ft. high and the trunk about 3.5 ft. in diameter. Against her warning, (she does not live there) her 79 year old father set up extension ladders tied to the tree to attempt to cut it down himself. He had one 20 ft. ladder set in the tree about 18 ft. above the ground and was on the top of that when he fell. I saw one large limb, butt end about 10" diameter and 15 ft. long on the ground. He was in a coma for over a week and on a ventilator. He woke up a couple of days after the ventilator was turned off, but is still in intensive care. No one saw him fall, but what I think happened after looking at the site, is that the cut branch hinged over and either hit the ladder or him, causing him to fall. He was not wearing any type of safety harness. I give the old guy a lot of credit for attempting something like this, but was rather foolish. The classmate's husband was going to go try finish this job, but she said, "Forget it, I am calling professionals." Smart lady.