Where the Wild Things Are
If I stop mine down for a long burn the door glass will cloud up too, but I don't get the coaling.L.O.L.
I'm lovin' the drawing Steve, but ya' forgot the air wash/primary, so I added it in red.
It's super easy to tell where the air wash/primary is reversing direction by looking at the glass on my door.
The bottom two-thirds is now a white milky, translucent color... the glass is permanently etched because it wasn't getting the cooling effect of the air wash.
When I got that thing it had been used a few years, yet the glass was crystal clear... and it stayed clear right up until the cold weather and operational problems started.
The transition from clear glass to etched glass is exactly where the newspaper smoke reversed direction during my "smoke bomb" test... which was very enlightening, the upper third (or maybe a bit more) of the firebox filled with thick, rapidly swirling, grayish-yellow smoke, the lower two-thirds barely even turned hazy... and even that took a couple of minutes before it did.
I think the drawing is a good illustration, but it's still a small firebox and I don't believe you can have that much airflow through the top half of it and get the bottom so starved for oxygen it coals.
I think the missing ingredient is burying the bottom logs in ash from a fast burning fire up top due to uncontrolled secondary air.
BTW - I like having an on-topic group discussion and figuring out real problems.
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