I would say that they have a clue, often a general understanding. One will notice that the more expert a person is, them ore qualifying statements they will use. "generally" "More often then not"....
As with anyone, the more educated we become, the more we know how little we actually know.
I am figuring that out lol
The problem, which I was alluding to, is the law of confounding variables; there are so many things going on that we may not be able to know the exact problem.
Bulk density seems to be the biggest limiting factor in any nutrient-uptake problem, so I lean towards addressing it before anything else.
On "improved" properties, the two factors with bulk density are compaction and dirth of organics. Both can be addressed with amending or replacing. Quite often replacing is easier then trying to excavate and mix amendments into native soils. I will just mix a little natives into the outer area for transition.
I understood your meaning jps the unseen universe below ground is very complicated.
Something to revisit is my objection to the industries tendency to talk about mulch while applying fresh chip. True mulch needs a of compost, and dumping fresh chip onto an old chip ring often does not do the job.
I will not get into my diatribe against landscrapers who have commoditized the practice of "mulching"....