After sorting my Stihl 041 AV electronic I would like a similar age smaller chainsaw to complement it. I like the quality build of the 041 but it is too heavy for stripping the small stuff. Something that would be easy to handle but built to last. Would like to hear your recommendations and what you like about your saws. I know there are a lot of older saws out there so I thought I'd pick your brains. I am no pro but have been cutting my own free firewood for 15 years and my wee McCulloch California has seen better days. Is it worth overhauling the McCulloch or can you steer me to something special. I get to cut any difficult, awkward located fallen trees the estate can't be bothered to get to with their machinery. I appreciate you are all busy people but would be most grateful for your advice and comments please.
Thank you.
Thank you.