altering chain

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tony marks

Addicted to ArboristSite
Dec 11, 2001
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stanley co nc
i read a recent post about making reg chain skip by taking cutters out.
SOi did just that to the chain on the 028 super and the solo 634. the results was definitly a faster cut.
is there a reason not to do the rest of my chains that way. cut just a little rougher but i can stand that as cut time ,and drag on the saw were reduced.
any of u fellas got any opinions on this ,id appreciate it. i cant think of a reason not to, as i know how to avoid kickback..
i am a little lost by your thread. you made your own skip chain? what cutters did you take out? is it full or semi skip? did you break them off? did you take off every thrid cutter? got photos? marty
Tony, I don`t know why you would want to **** around with that when you can purchase chain semi or full skip.
I only use full skip on a ripping chain, full comp is better for general cutting.
Full comp will give less vibration, easier on the saw and the sawee.
Probably less potential of kickback with full comp.
Kevin, I am going to buy a ripping chain for my 357 wxp/20"bc one of these days. I won't be milling or anything, just cutting an occasional slab or seat back or the like. Would you reccommend a chain for me? I was going to get one from Baileys because they are local for me, but I wasn't real happy w/their "72LG" type chain I bought from them.
"full house" will cut faster and smoother in pretty much every situation...the only time I have ever used "skip" is when I was bucking 8 log truck loads a day..and the wood was it saved filing time...
guess that's cause all you got is little pecker poles up in them thar north woods.

Anyhow, I used to run nothing but full skip, 20 inch bars and up, cause I didn't know any better, and to save filing time. Now I really like the semi skip, it seems to be pretty smooth. And maybe I will get some full comp. We do cut a bit of hard wood- fruit wood, oak, birch , madrona, locust, elm, etc. Bigleaf maple, alder, cottonwood and poplar are all pretty soft.

But that .325 full comp on the Craftsman seems slow. I think skip would be better, as it would allow a longer chip to be cut.

Dang, a mighty nice lookin' 3120 just went for $575 on ebay. I coulda sold mine for oodles, and had ya do another.... Or had KD do it, then i coulda had one for each hand.

Mike, I use primarily Oregon full skip RA as is out of the box.
It`s strong,aggressive and leaves a smooth finish on the boards.
Any (factory)ripping chain out of the box will work but you`ll notice different results on the finish with chains that aren`t ground back to 10-15o on the top plate.
The best advice I can give you is don`t buy a chain thats been modified such as as the Granberg.

What`s wrong with the LG, why don`t you like it ?
appreciate the info . chainsaw world ,i
took out every third cutterwith a grinder ,leaving it smooth and the hieght of the reason i did it was to use some of the half and three quater used chains ive got for each saw. plus ive never done this and wanted to see the results. ive got a 028 that has been as fast as the 028 super . so guess ill go do some comparisons ,when i get time..
the one it seemed to really help was the
solo 634. it really cut rite with this deal.
funny thing ,i pulled out the little craftsman w safety chain ,to compare time and its still as fast or faster on smaller stuff.i cant kill that little thing .
thanks again for the imput:)
compare the two differant chains(stock and markerized) on the same saw. sqaure wood is best for this type of testing. each piece is the same size so no guessing at the diameter. ahve someone else run the stop watck. marty
Thanks for the info Kevin. Didn't word that too good, its the WoodmanPro chain that I didn't care too much for. The chain I had seemed quite a bit duller out of the box than the Oregon LG.
well fellas if nothin else i finally got it dn how to get a chain the way i want it .
i dont like to wk any harder than necessary.:) appreciate the input.
ill just have to play around w this stuff and see what else i can learn.
thanks again for the advice.
Hey Marty, I have no probrem doing a spell cheque for you. I can also stop a stop watch in 7/ 100 of a second, however Dennis says he can do it in 5/100, but he was always good at spinin yarns.
Marty...lmfao...good call on "quick draw " Llamabert...John you saw me stop that watch (this was while we were waiting at a stoplight in Kamloops)...I think we timed everything from how long it took John to realize the light was red..till the time we got hit....
Hey Dennis we gotta get this straight. It was exactly 7/100 sec. from the time I ran that light to the time the RCMP pulled me over.
It was a miracle that he let me go but he did with a firm warning that I was back in civilization, but not by much.
I guess he treated me so well because I had so many saws with me or maybe it was just because I am from Toronto.
Marty, Robyn is still around and I tell her you guys miss her, but she claims she doesnt have much to offer.
I got a plan though, why dont you guys start a thread that says:
Robyn, Where are you? We Love You.
That should get her posting. She may be just a bit ticked off at MYB for lovin and leavin her.
just thought id note ,i think i discovered why the ccraftsman w saftychain was so fast. it only has about half the cutters on it compared to my other chains.
u guys may already have known that but it was news to me.