Am I a hack?

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Am I a hack?

  • yes

    Votes: 17 70.8%
  • no

    Votes: 7 29.2%

  • Total voters
Originally posted by Mike Maas
I don't recall a poster being called a hack for just doing removals. My point was he may have been called a hack because of other issues, like no hardhat, a bad notch, or running a Husky.:D

Maas, your not listening.

the original post in question:
Have it your way, but i know i have seen other threads like "hacks at it again" where the term "hack" was used to describe people doing removals.

was in responce to wct4life, who said "hack refers to people who prune"

my point was, these people were not pruning, yet were described as hacks

wct4life, perhaps your missing the sacasm?

maybe in the future i should use brackets to designate a joke, like so;

joke {you didn't catch my interests did you?}
these people were not pruning
Alright, I'll bite. Who are these people? Examples? If I remember correctly you asked about yourself.
wct4life, perhaps your missing the sacasm?
When you post your interests as toys(I wonder what kind?) and bone smoking(I really don't want to go there.) Then no, I don't see sarcasm. I see a person who has been shoveling alot of BS and needs others to help him dig himself out.:angry:
Originally posted by wct4life
Alright, I'll bite. Who are these people? Examples? If I remember correctly you asked about yourself.

look, its all right here in the my original post!
I said
"Have it your way, but i know i have seen other threads like "hacks at it again" where the term "hack" was used to describe people doing removals. So i guess i'm not the only one who doesn't know what it means."

read 3 sentences into "Hacks at it again" here it is
treeman82 said
"Hacks at it again.
I was doing some work a little ways away from my home today. Across the street from my client's house was a house which had, had some trees "removed" last year."

do you see the word removed?

here is a link to that thread,
Last edited:
Originally posted by wct4life
When you post your interests as toys(I wonder what kind?) and bone smoking(I really don't want to go there.) Then no, I don't see sarcasm. I see a person who has been shoveling alot of BS and needs others to help him dig himself out.:angry:

shoveling BS, yes!

dig myself out? oh no, i'm stayin in baby!

check out this link, it might help you grasp the concept of sarcasm
Cool. I'm gonna get started on my new time traveling delorean, does anybody know where I can buy a Mr. Fusion?

I'll call the guy over at the wrecking yard, I bet they got one.

I'll post some pics when I'm done.

Where (or when) should I go first? maybe I'll do a poll.
Originally posted by Mike Maas
As I thought, it's not that he was doing removals, it's that he was doing a slow, crappy job at doing removals.
Listen to me with your ears, doing removals does not make you a hack.

my god Maas, you must be retarded, and this is not a joke.
I agree, doing removals does not make you a hack, i never said it did, and i have never been argueing it with you. you are argueing alone against nobody

here it is again mike

wct4life's point; hack is a term refering to poeple who prune, i'm a groundie, i can't be a hack.

my point, other poeple have used the term to desribe people who dont prune, so i'm not the only one who doesn't know what that means

that was the whole thing

this was all like two pages ago, you have been confused ever since. I hope you can communicate better in real life then on the internet, otherwise your groundies are gonna be lost

how well did you do on the reading comprehension section of the SAT, as far as i can tell, you can't comprehend shiit
Guys, I have led a sheltered existence,. What, precisely, is bone smoking? I'm a bit afraid of the answer. If it is some nasty perversion you need not go into graphic detail. In the spirit of welcoming newbies and refraining from harsh judgements I would like to proclaim my conviction that, troll or not, Bewtiful is an idiot.:angel:
do you see the word removed?
Alright, good point.:) I respect that. But you stated in you're profile that you're only a ground man. IMO, it is the forman's job to represent the company. He or she are supposed to be the individual(s) that the rest of the company looks up to for guideance(sp). If you know nothing about proper tree work, then it is not completely your fault.

And yes, there are other ways to be considered a hack. A lack of ppe is one. And a lack of basic horicultural knowledge is another.

As for the thread that you are refering to....Yes, I've read that thread. The individuals in question were a couple of cut and run a-holes.

But, remember, that you refered to yourself first. And you remind me of the typical, idiotic GM that runs the saw into the ground and ask why it doesn't cut straight anymore.
Oh, when you're in the hole, stop digging!

When you're in the hole, stop digging!

Oh, when you're in the hole, stop digging!

When you're in the hole, stop digging!

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