Oops, Talking to Urban Logger
12guns said:Yeah, hate to say it man, but you are the reason the rest of us are paying higher and higher premiums. You could have treated much, much more, and I hope you are healed up now, especially after 9 months of PT. The PT should resolve any injury,
begleytree said:don't be so quick to judge. you don't know any of the facts of his case.
UrbanLogger said:So today my lawyer calls me to inform me that I should have a settlement
BlueRidgeMark said:Urban, be careful man. You haven't got that money and you are spending it already! That's typical, but it's not good. You could wind up like most lottery winners - broke in a shockingly short time. You'll sit there with a zero bank balance, a few toys, and a deep despair because it's all gone and life is NOT looking good.
Consider this: Immediatly set aside a little of it, just to blow. Consider it gone - fun money. Buy a saw or two, a new computer, maybe that big screen TV, have an extravagant dinner out, whatever. But ONLY do this with that little chunk you set aside for it. Limit it, cap it, don't let it grow. Be MERCILESS with yourself about that. DON'T LET YOUR BLOW MONEY GROW!
Put the rest in some 6 month CDs and spend that time carefully thinking about what you're doing for the rest of your life. Do some serious research on investments. DON'T immediately go out and plunk it all down with some investment counselor. They will do what maximizes their commission, which MIGHT not be what you want.
Otherwise I fear for your financial health down the road!
Big to small:
MS460 - 28" - or MS660 - 32"
MS361 - 18"
MS260 Pro - 16"
MS192T - 14"
Does this sound like it will work? what would you change?
Ekka said:I see lots of speculation, that you are partially permanently disabled but can do a lot of physical work. Here in lies the anomoly.
No undue disrespect nor offending anyone but I can understand this. As an employer if I had 2 guys to choose from, both can do the job but one has a limp or is slower etc he missus out. Also, our wc will pay out on aggravation of a pre-existing injury (wrong and stupid) so that means again I dont want people who may have niggling problems.
So, I understand that you are deservedly entitled to something, and you can work, especially for yourself at your pace. I only hope that the wc idiots here change their rules so aggravation of a pre-existing is exempted and if the event occurs the injured claims of the original incident or payout.
BTW.....Urban no you arenot crazy. I know exactly howyou feel. You must do it in moderation and enjoy your limited love of tree work.
The selection of your saws is good except for the 192, piss that off and get a 200T :hmm3grin2orange: