An Italian Stallion: Alpina A-90

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BTW, nice avatar:)

Well,that sign is still on Italian Ebay for something like 380.00 US,So how much do you like it? think the picture problem thing is browser based.At work sometimes they show up sometimes they don't.At home(like now)I almost always get the photos first time.
I noticed that Wayne (gmax) liked your initial photos Brad. He has an Alpina that looks similar that he's started for me a few times. It is by far the loudest saw I have ever heard by a long long way :cheers:

Hey Matt I think your getting confused .. my Whitehead Logger 8.2 cu is a lot louder than my Alpina 120, you've heard both.. ;)

Brad nice saw, good luck trying to find an air filter, you might have to make or mod something to fit, neat looking saws but finding parts :dizzy:
Hey Matt I think your getting confused .. my Whitehead Logger 8.2 cu is a lot louder than my Alpina 120, you've heard both.. ;)

Whoops. My bad! If you didn't own so many bloody saws I wouldn't get so confused :)
I stand corrected, your Whitehead Logger is the loudest internal combustion engine I have ever heard.
I got the rest of the saw all cleaned up this evening and put back together. It runs like a charm. It idles perfectly, has great throttle response, revs out nicely, and holds a tune at WOT. And the best thing yet, it sounds like a Dolmar 166 idling:rock: I'll get some pics of it tomorrow and vid of it running. Unfortunately, we'll have to wait to see it in wood.
Sweet looking/sounding saw Brad. It does sound a lot like an SD166 at idle. I'm also digging the custom wood starter handle.:D

Say what you want about Italian machinery................they sure have the look and sound thing down. A Ducati or old Ferrari the right exhaust makes me weak in the knees.
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We need a video of the exhaust side of the saw. Recoil side is not bad, but the other side looks awesome! That full wrap is sweet.

I love the way she sounds. Glad you got it cleaned and tuned. Just thinking some idiot could of bought it and destroyed it almost makes me sick. Oooo wait a minute I was the idiot that bought it from the pawn shop. lol
Yep,that's what they sound like.Gotta admit I was eager to hear it run.Sounds a lot like my Prof 700...evil.Kind of suprized me as the 700 is a vertical cylinder saw.Is it the timing that gives them that cadence and rap?The best part is when you rip that thing off around the uninitiated,people will look,stretch their necks,the Stihl guys will try to act like it's nothing but a thing.It's like showing up at small block chevy rally with a big block Dodge.
Sweet looking/sounding saw Brad. It does sound a lot like an SD166 at idle. I'm also digging the custom wood starter handle.:D

Say what you want about Italian machinery................they sure have the look and sound thing down. A Ducatti or old Ferrari with the right exhaust makes me weak in the knees.

First time I ever heard a Duke 916 it stood the hair up on the back of my neck.