Fridays delivery unloading a cord and a half tuckered me out, so I did some other stuff in the afternoon that had nothing to do with firewood. I wish I had more customers like this guy, buying ahead for Fall. Today I did, cut/split, a cord and a half. Beautiful sunny day. More pictures.

This is getting set up, and ready to load log decks this morning. I like to clean up the bark and chips each night, so I can get a fresh start. Looks far away, but I'm only standing on the forklift platform.

Todays efforts...

May 6th. Thirteen cord total so far cut and split. Plus rebundling the last years double stacked ones that fell. Moved all the stuff that was covered and double stacked last week, and four deliveries. Good start for me anyways. One cord at a time. I'm just winging it.
Last year I was not very organized (nothing new really). The thing is that the most seasoned wood is buried behind the newer cut stuff. What I did was start three rows of this years wood. Then I was going to leave an isle 12' wide and start again. that way I could access the more seasoned wood. But a 12' isle eats up a lot of space... So that is where I am putting last years wood, in what will be the isle. As I sell last years wood the isle will open up access for next year. If I had four-way pallets (ones that can be picked from any side) it would help, but I do not. So the first three rows on the right are next years wood. The next three rows are this years wood (the pallets are turned so I can pick from the direction your facing). As I work forward, I'll pull from the far left and add to the isle. That should give me room to work from the isle left, with fresh cut/split firewood. Because the lift is wider than the pallets I have to stair step as I work forward on the right side. I've rough estimated room for a total of 104 cord single stacked, 416 pallets. If I sell what I have for this year to make room, then only 364 pallets to go for next year. Lets see where I am in a week, weather and all. I'll have to eat my Cheerios...

Edit: I also bundled all the junk cut-offs, shorts, partially punky stuff, etc. I gave that stuff away last year. I'm going to try and sell it this year for a few bucks. The junk gets thrown in the row-packs (plastic folding crates) until there are two or three full ones, enough to bundle by throwing it on the conveyor.